Author Topic: This week is just the beginning of a civil rights movement for marriage equality  (Read 6945 times)

can someone explain to me
are there any women's rights movements in america going on right now
although they have pretty much every right us men do

he can not be that intelligent to understand any of those things

Whenever I see you asking for help I want to shoot myself.

can someone explain to me
are there any women's rights movements in america going on right now
although they have pretty much every right us men do
It appears to me that they already have more rights than us, but claim otherwise simply because of what they choose to do with themselves.

I'm not trying hard for anything, I just acknowledge that I am immature, and I wanna try to change it. But many people here go overboard with me.
yeah that's cool c: I would just try to stray away from le wacky xD random humor. it's not taken positively on the internet, outside of little bubbles like 9gag.
can someone explain to me
are there any women's rights movements in america going on right now
although they have pretty much every right us men do
women have really stuffty things going on for them right now
there are income inequalities, and archaic beliefs ingrained into the minds of dumbasses everywhere
legally, they're pretty close, but societally, not really
It appears to me that they already have more rights than us, but claim otherwise simply because of what they choose to do with themselves.

can someone explain to me
are there any women's rights movements in america going on right now
although they have pretty much every right us men do

A few, but not as many compared to the 60s and 70s. It's mainly just for them to have the right to use birth control, and have the entitlement to have abortions.
They don't have every right us men do.
When a woman is tough or strong or even brave, people call them a lesbian or they don't like them (I'm not saying this is a right or anything, this is totally irrelevant what I'm saying, but just throwing it out there).

women have really stuffty things going on for them right now
there are income inequalities, and archaic beliefs ingrained into the minds of dumbasses everywhere
legally, they're pretty close, but societally, not really
Every employment I see offers same wages for males and females.
Taking the average is generally a dumb idea. You have to consider that they miss out on quite a bit of income when they're taking care of a newborn baby. The man works harder in order to support her. This is what causes a major sum of that 'inequality'. The woman isn't making money because she's not working. The man is making more money because he's trying to work more to keep a steady income in the house. There is nothing unfair about this. It's how humans work. The woman with the child doesn't complain. Because she doesn't want to work to make that 'fair income'. She doesn't want to work. She's busy.

Every employment I see offers same wages for males and females.
Taking the average is generally a dumb idea. You have to consider that they miss out on quite a bit of income when they're taking care of a newborn baby. The man works harder in order to support her. This is what causes a major sum of that 'inequality'. The woman isn't making money because she's not working. The man is making more money because he's trying to work more to keep a steady income in the house. There is nothing unfair about this. It's how humans work. The woman with the child doesn't complain. Because she doesn't want to work to make that 'fair income'. She doesn't want to work. She's busy.

It's not that she doesn't want to work. Many times men are in control of the household and believe woman are to cook, clean, wash, watch over the kids, and the man is suppose to work and supply the money. I don't believe in that. A dad can be just as nurturing as a woman can be.

i asked this before:
when will this forum get a news section?
We already have one, it's called Furling.

Wait, what?
what the hell can the government really do about women's wages and roles at home?
Feminists need to shut the forget up

Wait, what?
what the hell can the government really do about women's wages and roles at home?
Feminists need to shut the forget up

Feminists need to shut the forget up?
Well then, buff, stupid and macho males need to shut the forget up too with their football.

I don't support drugs being legal though


there's no benefit to drugs being illegal


there's no benefit to drugs being illegal

yes there is,

it at least can prevent young kids from using these deadly yet toxic poisons/drugs

Feminists need to shut the forget up?
Well then, buff, stupid and macho males need to shut the forget up too with their football.

i dont think you get what the feminist movement is

theres a huge difference between guys who like football and people who try to force legislation that makes women superior to men

it at least can prevent young kids from using these deadly yet toxic poisons/drugs
these deadly yet toxic poisons/drugs
deadly yet toxic

yes there is,

it at least can prevent young kids from using these deadly yet toxic poisons/drugs



young kids do drugs all the time even if it's illegal
making it illegal only stops people already addicted from getting help in fear of prosecution, and only helps cartels sell more untaxed drugs under the counter

i dont think you get what the feminist movement is

theres a huge difference between guys who like football and people who try to force legislation that makes women superior to men

nobody ever said women were superior to men though
next time, learn not to make things up in an argument