Author Topic: is it just me, or did youtube throttle bandwidth on every browser but chrome?  (Read 1406 times)

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      // test 26: check that document tree survives while still accessible

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Test 26 passed, but took 36ms (less than 30fps)
Total elapsed time: 0.76s
      // test 26: check that document tree survives while still accessible

As for the flash not updating, it automatically updates for me so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

The speed means practically nothing because it's barely visible unless you absolutely hate a page taking a few extra milliseconds to load. Even then, you'll likely be somewhat biased about it.

So in reality, the 3 mentioned browsers are all fine. I wouldn't be surprised that Google would pull stuff like this after they pretty much plaster "get a faster browser!" everywhere, just so they can collect information on you for their ads.

I wouldn't be surprised that Google would pull stuff like this after they pretty much plaster "get a faster browser!" everywhere, just so they can collect information on you for their ads.

The reason I don't like Chrome is because Google collects so much information from it. (including everything you type in the address bar) I use Firefox.

I swear to god i dl'ed adblock on firefox too...

More idiocy from google, as expected. Somebody should throttle them ffs.

I think somebody should make a new video hosting service that isn't a major sellout and will provide a good quality service not marred by google's stuff-flinging corperate monkeys.

I think somebody should make a new video hosting service that isn't a major sellout and will provide a good quality service not marred by google's stuff-flinging corperate monkeys.

imo yt is great but if you're that much of a conspiracy theorist then use vimeo

They definitely did for IE.  Now even pausing the video to let it buffer won't work, it will only buffer for like 30 seconds after where you stop.

Now even pausing the video to let it buffer won't work, it will only buffer for like 30 seconds after where you stop.

This randomly happens in all browsers, even Chrome.

I'm pretty sure considering YouTube is such a popular service they have multiple servers all over the world. Because of this YouTube is constantly trying to determine the closest available server to your computer to connect to and it isn't always exactly the best when it comes to buffering super quickly. Or at all.


The default for Macs, Safari, has no bandwidth issues for me. B)