Author Topic: HI  (Read 4551 times)

Locking a topic prevents people from posting in it (except admins and moderators). Unlocking a topic allows it to be posted in again. You can only lock/unlock your own topics. The only board you cannot lock topics in is Drama. Stay away from that board.

Also, admins and mods can lock/unlock any topic they want to.

Don't overuse emotes, please.
Don't reply to trolls
Read all the forums guides you can
Use the Search Bar when trying to find stuff.
Don't call other members names such as "cigarette" or "gay-wad" or immature stuff like that.
Don't attract too much attention to yourself until you have settled in.
I'll be watching you, kid!

Anymore questions you want to ask?

Just making sure he doesn't turn into the old Setro or Igloos or something

Just making sure he doesn't turn into the old Setro or Igloos or something
"old Igloos" Isn't he still like that?

"old Igloos" Isn't he still like that?
Oh right I was trying to separate them

Old Setro, Igloos or something would have been better

"old Igloos" Isn't he still like that?
no he just meant old setro
but idk what setro was even like

Oh right I was trying to separate them

Old Setro, Igloos or something would have been better
ah, k.

Watch topics before you start posting so you know what the community is like. A good 4-5 days should be long enough.

Other than that, welcome to the forums. You will never want to leave.

no he just meant old setro
but idk what setro was even like
Oh, he's nothing like the new Setro.
I hated the old Setro. They say it was the infamous drama board that turned him into that vile creature. But then the mighty Badspot slayed him and he returned as Setro
ah, k.

Welcome to the Blockland Forums!

The community here is quite horrible! If your parents watch you and/or dislike swearing, leave now.
There's lots of stupidity here! If someone posts something that is outright garbage and very stupid, ignore them or just think they are joking.
Avoid Drama, for new users will almost automatically be reported for "doing bad things" (so-called) and users will find ways to get you banned, IF you post there. So don't.
The lock button is your friend. Use it to stop people from posting in topics, however you can only do this in topics that you have made!
You cannot lock topics in Drama.

Also if you want to leave do it quietly, just tell a couple of friends either in-game or through forum PMs.
Don't make topics or anything and certainly don't do forum Self Deletes.

Also do some research. You won't get any of the jokes about Glass or Igloos or something if you don't find out who they are!

You won't get any of the jokes about Glass or Igloos or something if you don't find out who they are!

Igloos ^

i wonder if you could make igloos out of glass...