Author Topic: Rage, I don't fully understand  (Read 2811 times)

Hey all of you guys.

I've made a topic similar to this one before, so please don't say 'oh you're such a blogger' because I realize that I made that thread, but it was a different sort of note not exactly relevant to this one.

Anyway, down to the problem;

Since as long as I can remember, I get these sort of rage flashes, I don't fully or even partially understand why or how or how to control them.  It's just whenever a certain thing happens it drives me to the point I literally want to put my fist through the nearest thing to me, no matter the consequences.  I don't understand why it happens or what the triggers are.

It takes literally every ounce of my strength to keep from letting myself just go ape-stuff on the nearest thing or the thing causing it, and I usually have to remove myself from the situation only to hit the forget out of whatever I'm near then, typically a pillow or punching bag.

I know some of you will say "Oh well that's normal just get over it", but it really isn't, I know that I get mad at times and that things are going to anger me, but these flashes are pure rage, I can't fully explain it.

Some of the things that cause me to experience this; my new dog barking, my grandparents (I live with them) being anywhere near me while drunk, hearing my ex say certain words, people near me being absolutely obnoxious, getting touched any way in an aggressive manner.

And that's what I mean, none of them are related in any way, and I know those are things that would make a person normally mad, but it's like I can get angry over other stupid stuff but these just, holy forget I don't get it.

Idk, forums help me

dont kill ur child
This doesn't bother me but you can try again if you feel like it

This doesn't bother me but you can try again if you feel like it
dont kill ur child

It's called anger issues. A lot of us have it too.

idk man

maybe you're the hulk

That's very strange, I would have to agree.

So you're saying it is a temptation, do you actually think about hurting people?

It's called anger issues. A lot of us have it too.

Anger issues isn't exactly a technical term, it's pretty obvious I struggle with anger and rage

That's very strange, I would have to agree.

So you're saying it is a temptation, do you actually think about hurting people?
I mean I don't want to say that, not in a 'normal' thought process no, but when I get to this point I just want to hit the nearest thing, if it happens to so be a human being then sure, I'd willingly hit them in the face

Yeah we already know you have anger issues.

I'm extremely well at holding my angry around others, and I let it out when Im alone.

Try seeing a therapist, they'll know about it.

Yeah we already know you have anger issues.

I'm extremely well at holding my angry around others, and I let it out when Im alone.
Don't remember ever posting about having issues with dealing with anger, but okay

Try seeing a therapist, they'll know about it.
I've seen a few therapists over stuff somewhat relating to this, they're all basically clueless because being a therapist apparently means that you failed in medical school.

I always try to stifle any non-neutral emotions when around others. Anger or slap-happiness can be disastrous and could lead to unfair judgments of my character. Like, based on the things I do while under the influence of emotion. I'd rather be a generally well-liked robot than an average emotive person shunned for being annoying that one time while too giddy to show any self-control.

I always try to stifle any non-neutral emotions when around others. Anger or slap-happiness can be disastrous and could lead to unfair judgments of my character. Like, based on the things I do while under the influence of emotion. I'd rather be a generally well-liked robot than an average emotive person shunned for being annoying that one time while too giddy to show any self-control.
I'm going to be completely honest here

I have no idea if that was sarcasm or not

I'm going to be completely honest here

I have no idea if that was sarcasm or not
huh? you don't want to be a robot?