Author Topic: StarMade - Ahhhh Big Ships  (Read 147402 times)

So, my first singleplayer world, I made 1.6 billion credits off of one pirate station. This server has only given me 7 million from 3 stations.

I feel nerfed.

Salvaging the Station will give you tons of money.

Salvaging the Station will give you tons of money.
Killing pirates you get more. My friend and I got over 1.5 billion combined from just killing pirates. It also wasn't that many.

Killing pirates you get more. My friend and I got over 1.5 billion combined from just killing pirates. It also wasn't that many.

On hardcore servers.

Salvaging them also gives you a lot of hulls and glass, along with some plexlights

I wish there was a setting to adjust spawn rates for AI pirates

Ships don't show up when the Trade guys send stuff at me because I accidentally hit their space station and blocks don't disappear when blown up. Watdo?

Got damn it schema fix loving turret docking

Got damn it schema fix loving turret docking
What's broken about it?

I built a turret, and had it secured to the ship, then I undocked it and moved the docking and messed with the enhancers to get a larger docking thing. Now the turret refused to dock. It gives me no error message either.

Even more infuriating is the fact that for some reason now I keep getting modified blueprint warnings every time I try to spawn in another turret.

I'm about to go insane.
Help me plz

Restart your game. It's a bug

Also reply 1000

It would be nice if you can turn the turret dock thing so the docking area is pointed to the right.
Also reply 1001 :3.

It would be nice if you can turn the turret dock thing so the docking area is pointed to the right.
Also reply 1001 :3.
What? You can turn the direction of the turret dock?

Finally found the god damn home planet.

Jesus christ you guys are leaps and bounds ahead of the kind of ships I build.

This game is so incredibly busy it's really difficult to get into.

Like there's tons of arrows and garbage all over the hud, the blocks look more like a scrambled mess of color rather than resembling anything recognizable to what they actually do.