Author Topic: Barack Obama speaks about Boston Bombing  (Read 3244 times)

no. him speaking was FOR the ignorant.
those of us above that crap could see right through it.
right through what...?

think before you comment bud

he had to make empty threats to an unknown enemy to appease the angry americans. it literally is no different then say... little kimmy over there in NK talking stuff every day to look strong to his people. all meaningless. but hes gotta make face time.

this is nothing new. its real classic strategy.

I'm waiting to pounce on the first person to even dare insult Barack Obama on facebook. I know they will, and they'll look like a total douchebag.
Haha, the white knight smell. It reeks.

but hes gotta make face time.
yes, he does. you're trying to say he did something wrong, right? every president does this

Haha, the white knight smell. It reeks.
What do you mean?

I'd find disgust for anyone who will point fingers or point out flaws in a man who addressed the accident. Why in their right mind would they ignore the tragedy just to insult our President.

That and Boston jokes, I swear if someone makes it they have no humor what so ever and are starfishs.

yes, he does. you're trying to say he did something wrong, right? every president does this
His point is still valid.

yes, he does. you're trying to say he did something wrong, right? every president does this

im not debating that lol you guys clearly missed the whole point. (wich also proves you are one of ones he was appeasing lol)

what is his point?
yeah it was pretty pointless to get obama on tv lol

we dont need to be told we know nothing. its kinda clear

Bullstuff. The second explosion was 10 seconds later.

Around a minute actually

maybe he doesn't, but presidents don't do it "just because"

I told you guys someone would be an starfish.

I told you guys someone would be an starfish.

chill the forget out
maybe he doesn't, but presidents don't do it "just because"
he had to make empty threats to an unknown enemy to appease the angry americans. it literally is no different then say... little kimmy over there in NK talking stuff every day to look strong to his people. all meaningless. but hes gotta make face time.

this is nothing new. its real classic strategy.

maybe he doesn't, but presidents don't do it "just because"

my mistake really. kinda posted in 2 posts on it.

pointless for those of us with more intellect and that are above that BS.
not pointless for the stupid angry uninformed people. the idiots need to be pat on the back and given empty promises. feels good.

then what's the problem?