Author Topic: The Boston Shake - calling us edgy will be taken as dismissive  (Read 22129 times)

whoever made that can go to hell

dont bring religion into this

... :cookieMonster:

Haha, as someone who knows no one from boston!
This was so funny.
Also, I suspect it was a fat lady who plotted this.

even if it wasn't forgeted up, wasn't funny at all.


i lol'd. some of you people are too sensitive.
How is paying respect to a tragedy that literally just happened too sensitive?

The fact that you have the audacity to joke about that is disgusting. There is literally a recording, on the news, on my TV right now, of people hit by the blast. I am watching flesh rip away from bones.

Don't bother deleting the topic, your name has been soiled already. Let it serve as a reminder for you.

3 dead, 136 injured, 12 in critical condition, 10 amputations thus far.

From a gallery thread dedicated to making a joke of this.

>being offended by things on the internet

oh brian

this is why ill always love you

this is oppressive, please take it off

How is paying respect to a tragedy that literally just happened too sensitive?
because they all already payed respects not that it would have even mattered. now they're whining about how this is offensive.

because they all already payed respects not that it would have even mattered. now they're whining about how this is offensive.
So, pay your respect then turn around and laugh at it? I get where you are coming from but I don't have the insensitivity in me to do it.

>being offended by things on the internet

Being offended by a joke regardless of its place because something in real life has taken the lives of people and immediately effected 150+ people, not including family members.

didn't even do the joke right

Being offended by a joke regardless of its place because something in real life has taken the lives of people and immediately effected 150+ people, not including family members.
Come back with a better reason after listening.

Actually, the words are "Con los terroristas", which is interesting considering the video.
Also, too soon. I usually don't care, but this one hit me since my parents were looking at running this marathon.