Author Topic: Windows 7 vs. Ubuntu  (Read 2724 times)

Lol its mac you cant play games on it

lol yes you can
I've sneaked Blockland on it for 15 minutes then uninstalled it when my parents came home and ran perfectly, as well as GTA 4, and a few others.

I've always preferred Windows OS's up until Windows 7 and beyond. Then they started doing a bunch of hipster stuff and changing the UI.

Pissed me off, so I reverted back to Vista.

And don't hate me for using it. It operates fine.

windows 8 master race

just get windows you have total freedom

Bullstuff you're not a fan boy. You came into a topic about Windows 7 vs. Ubuntu and spammed your little biased opinion on something completely unrelated, just because nobody mentioned your favorite little OS.

You're quite literally, the definition of, a fanboy.
Leave him alone, he never said it was his favorite and he didn't "spam" it.  So what if he thinks Apple is better?
That doesn't make him a fanboy.

Yes, it was dumb for him to post what he posted but that doesn't mean you need to be a richard to him.

*EDIT: OT: I guess Win7, but that's probably because I've never used Ubuntu.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 07:37:50 PM by tkepahama »

Mac OS X is better than them both.

I've always preferred Windows OS's up until Windows 7 and beyond. Then they started doing a bunch of hipster stuff and changing the UI.

Pissed me off, so I reverted back to Vista.

And don't hate me for using it. It operates fine.
Vista is interesting.  It runs things FLAWLESSLY, but it will cave in on its own systems.  I used to have it.  Files in the WINDOWS folder just started deteriorating.  No viruses, nothing.  Just itself.

As far as running Blockland, Vista actually runs it better than Windows 7--  from my personal observations.  To me, it seems that Microsoft jammed so much stuff into the aesthetic of Windows 7 that it just seems to run slower.  My Vista even had a quarter of the processing power that my Windows 7 computer and it still ran it faster.  Same amount of crap running in the background for each.

Vista is interesting.  It runs things FLAWLESSLY, but it will cave in on its own systems.  I used to have it.  Files in the WINDOWS folder just started deteriorating.  No viruses, nothing.  Just itself.

That's... weird...

I've been using Vista Ultimate for years and haven't had that issue.

windows 7 is amazing

ubuntu is watered down hipster stuff, get linux mint for some non baby teir linux

windows 7 is amazing

ubuntu is watered down hipster stuff, get linux mint for some non baby teir linux
I'd have to somewhat agree. I tried to love Ubuntu, but it tried too hard to be different. Personally, my favorite Linux Distro is Fedora (Red Hat).

Wrote this a while ago, still fairly relevant.
Just replace Windows 8 with Windows 7 whenever you see it.

I went with Ubuntu on two of my computers, and planned on a third except I couldn't get it to run at all.

From my experience, Ubuntu is an unpolished and buggy piece of crap.  It seems to break constantly, has some really awful user interface choices (when a fullscreen program crashes on you, good luck).  It seems to lag the entire system when it is trying to do anything big, instead of breaking it into smaller pieces.  And almost everything seems to count as one of those "big" processes.  It doesn't have decent touchpad support, and the list just goes on.  My whole experience with Ubuntu was an absolute mess and consisted of a ton of staring at a frozen Ubuntu while it did god knows what (quad core 2ghz and 8gb ram shouldn't be like that).

The worst part was that I had originally been sold on Ubuntu after reading about it online and had convinced two of my friends to try it out.  I feel awful for helping them install this stuff on their new computers.

It is not a question of whether or not Windows 8 is better than Ubuntu, the question is if Windows 8 is $200 better than Ubuntu, which I think can go either way.  The hassle that Ubuntu caused me probably warrants the extra cost, but I found that Ubuntu never even really behaves too consistently.  Different things were sometimes broken or not broken on each startup, so maybe it is worth a try to see if it works for you.  If it worked perfectly I would say to go with Ubuntu.

Use windows 1.1 it's super fast from what I have heard
sarcasm lol

Use windows 1.1 it's super fast from what I have heard
sarcasm lol
because nobody likes change!