Author Topic: Is nintendo dieing?  (Read 1958 times)

buying wii U for this.

i'm dying of happy

No. People expect Nintendo to do its cutesy Nintendo thing while xbox and PS usually share the same library.

by that logic the first generation of video games took place in the late 1800s

according to wikipedia:
First generation (1972–1977)
Second generation (1976–1984)
Third generation (1983–1992)
Fourth generation (1987–1996)
Fifth generation (1993–2006)
Sixth generation (1998–2013)
Seventh generation (2004–)
Eighth generation (2011–)
20 years the only way I've ever heard someone use generation. That would be an era in my books.

I can't recall ever hearing it used like that.

Not at all.

Also I'm pretty sure the "720" isn't going to happen...

by that logic the first generation of video games took place in the late 1800s

according to wikipedia:
First generation (1972–1977)
Second generation (1976–1984)
Third generation (1983–1992)
Fourth generation (1987–1996)
Fifth generation (1993–2006)
Sixth generation (1998–2013)
Seventh generation (2004–)
Eighth generation (2011–)

So 7th gen. isn't over but 8th has started?


Heck no.
Nobody seems to realize the hype for Nintendo anymore; maybe it's not for the Wii U, but the 3DS certainly is extremely popular among a younger audience.
In my school, almost everyone loves Nintendo.
Usually tougher boys like the Xbox and PS2/PS3 more though.

steve jobs left apple to work for nintendo then he got fired and died

Every Mario game after 2010 sucked balls, just sayin'. But they're not dying at all.

Oh, and the Wii U will become popular once they release Super Smash Bros Universe, Mario Kart U, that new 3D Mario game, Zelda U, the Pokémon game, Wind Waker HD, etc. Wii U did have a crap starting line-up, and the loading times are terrifying, but they're releasing an update soon, as well as all those games I just listed.

So 7th gen. isn't over but 8th has started?

ps3 and xbox360 is still alive
they are 7th generation consoles

Heck no.
Nobody seems to realize the hype for Nintendo anymore; maybe it's not for the Wii U, but the 3DS certainly is extremely popular among a younger audience.
In my school, almost everyone loves Nintendo.

For once I agree with Igloos

ps3 and xbox360 is still alive
they are 7th generation consoles


i'll buy the Wii U, when mario kart comes out
if the Wii U doesnt accept gamecube games im going to cut myself

2013 is the year of Luigi

All the Luigi fans are rejoicing, throwing parties, buying everything Luigi

Luigi will keep Nintendo alive throughout this entire year and every year after


2013 is the year of Luigi

All the Luigi fans are rejoicing, throwing parties, buying everything Luigi

Luigi will keep Nintendo alive throughout this entire year and every year after


One of my favorite Nintendo games has got to be Animal Crossing.
It's just so peaceful.