Author Topic: So.. There's this girl.  (Read 3148 times)

She recently broke up with her boyfriend so she is a severe train wreck. I like her a lot, and I recently broke up with my girlfriend.
I've been comforting her all day, and she really gets me. We share almost everything in common and I want to ask her out.

Problem is, She still loves her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is my friend, so I can't really mediate their arguments, one because I am just a friend, and two, I don't want to seem too nosy.

She says that i'm really nice, and I kept her from crying all day, because I was there to brighten her day. I even went to one of those really boring church sessions with like 12 people and it was really quiet and stuff.

I feel like I am coming onto her too fast though, I really haven't talked to her at school, but I found out she was single, so I thought I should comfort her. I have spend every day with her since Friday, and we have literally everything in common.

Here's a picture.

Am I coming on too fast?
Should I even try because she still loves her ex?
Opinions please, I want to know if i'm doing it right.

Don't ask her out. That'll happen naturally.

Just be there. Be her friend.

howdy welcome back amigo and yeah slow down speed racer

if you're that kind of person i think you should make sure she says a codeword that roughly translates into "yeah i'm very comfortable with you" and then just give a slow entry in

howdy welcome back amigo and yeah slow down speed racer

if you're that kind of person i think you should make sure she says a codeword that roughly translates into "yeah i'm very comfortable with you" and then just give a slow entry in

Yeah, but don't just say "a slow entry in."

You have to put a lot of emphasis on slow.

A very slow entry in.

Should I even try because she still loves her ex?
Heartache awaits you if this is the case.


i know someone will say it
i just know

i know someone will say it
i just know
stick it in her pooper?

Anyway, just stay her friend. Your other friend is her ex for a reason, obviously.

oh speaking of make sure you also stay good with your friend too

oh speaking of make sure you also stay good with your friend too

Nah, that friendship is over, from what I can see in the long-run.

You've gotta choose. The bro, or the ho.

How old are you just a question If you're in middle school than don't be so nearvous about it.

How old are you just a question If you're in middle school than don't be so nearvous about it.

He's seventeen.

She looks like a loving psycho stay the forget away.