Author Topic: onVehiclekillPlayer, %2  (Read 534 times)

Usage of both: "onVehicleKillPlayer - Minigame/Client - (message event) - (words)"
This would be a great idea- anyone agree?

Also, another suggestion.
%2. %2 would show another person's name to a minigame.
Usage: "Onactivate - Minigame - ChatMessage - "%2 destroyed a Nokia!"
It would be a different name if someone clicked the same brick, such as-
Oneperson123 clicks the brick.
"Oneperson123 destroyed a Nokia!"
Anotherperson456 clicks the brick.
"Anotherperson456 destroyed a Nokia!"
it displays the same message to the minigame
With no use of teams!

This would appear to other players.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 09:59:07 PM by Swampivorous »

Yeah, that'd be an awesome idea! They could use this on Boulder Dash!

Yeah, that'd be an awesome idea! They could use this on Boulder Dash!
or basically all of the other games

If you do [onActivate MiniGame centerPrintAll [%1 is a friend]
and Billy clicks the brick, it will display "Billy is a friend" to the minigame. Already implemented.

If you do [onActivate MiniGame centerPrintAll [%1 is a friend]
and Billy clicks the brick, it will display "Billy is a friend" to the minigame. Already implemented.
okay then %2 is minigame exclusive

It shows someone else's name to the minigame.
and changing op
Example: People are playing a game.
One person finds a treasure chest.
The treasure chest says to the minigame- "randomplayer123 got a treasure chest!"
It would be a different name if someone else found it.

%1 is replaced with the bricks activator.

%1 is replaced with the bricks activator.
how about we change the subject to the other one