Author Topic: 14 Year Old Programming Prodigy  (Read 5459 times)

i think he's talented when it comes to computers and that's great. however this is coupled with what looks like a really unhealthy obsession with learning and education.

it's nice that he's able to stay motivated and whatever but he appears to be really socially underdeveloped.

i think he's talented when it comes to computers and that's great. however this is coupled with what looks like a really unhealthy obsession with learning and education.

it's nice that he's able to stay motivated and whatever but he appears to be really socially underdeveloped.
im pretty sure hes autistic, so theres not much he can do

im pretty sure hes autistic, so theres not much he can do
perhaps he has asperger's syndrome and because of this he's "naturally" skilled in computer science or just soaking up information? who knows.

im pretty sure hes autistic, so theres not much he can do

autism does not enforce social underdevelopment, it depends

took him 5 years to get his masters IT? took me 4 :p

He should be Badspot's assistant.

He should be Badspot's assistant.

wow look at this guy lol

autism does not enforce social underdevelopment, it depends
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what autism is.

That's kinda sad, surrouunding your life with computers and going to college at 14.
I know you guys program, but not like this. This kid seems socially inept.

do you really need to stick it in a class?  I haven't ever used C#

C++ makes it easy:
Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Hello world!";
return 0;

You forgot to declare that it needs to #include "stdafx.h" for some people

Well, maybe when I have the time to spend twenty-four hours a day studying how to make the console greet the world.
I've never done anything in Java, but all C++ IDEs I've use automatically insert stuff like an include, a using keyword, and a main function declaration, so all you really have to type is the cout call.
I'd assume Java IDEs would work the same way

wow thats so cool he's doing something with his life
* BubbaGum  goes back to browsing tumblr

I've never done anything in Java, but all C++ IDEs I've use automatically insert stuff like an include, a using keyword, and a main function declaration, so all you really have to type is the cout call.
I'd assume Java IDEs would work the same way

They all like to put a bunch of stuff that isn't needed. I don't know why it just doesn't make the class. BlueJ is pretty awful with that.

Code: [Select]
 * Write a description of class Test here.
 * @author (your name)
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Test
    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
    private int x;

     * Constructor for objects of class Test
    public Test()
        // initialise instance variables
        x = 0;

     * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own
     * @param  y   a sample parameter for a method
     * @return     the sum of x and y
    public int sampleMethod(int y)
        // put your code here
        return x + y;

When all it really needs to do is

Code: [Select]
public class Test
    public static void main(String args[])

They all like to put a bunch of stuff that isn't needed. I don't know why it just doesn't make the class. BlueJ is pretty awful with that.

it's exclusively to help new programmers get acquainted with some of the terms and concepts and introduce them. no one experienced with bluej actually uses the default open file as a base.

took him 5 years to get his masters IT? took me 4 :p

We all know you never went to school.