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Author Topic: Sleep thread(REPOST)  (Read 994 times)


This is a test.
My first actual thread, Talk about sleep and about how much you like it or hate it.

"Waking up", "Asleep", and "Slept" redirect here. For other uses, see Waking Up (disambiguation), Asleep (disambiguation), or SLEPT brown townysis.
Image of a sleeping child
Sleeping child

Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles. It is distinguished from quiet wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, and is more easily reversible than being in hibernation or a coma. Sleep is a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. It is observed in all mammals, all birds, and many reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

The purposes and mechanisms of sleep are only partially clear and are the subject of substantial research. Sleep is often thought to help conserve energy, but decreases metabolism only about 5–10%. Hibernating animals need to sleep despite the hypometabolism seen in hibernation, and must return from hypothermia to euthermia in order to sleep, making sleeping "energetically expensive"
Info is from wikipedia!

Going to sleep now, i'll look at the thread in the morning.

Im sure I would enjoy laying down to go to sleep if my brain didn't associate sleeping with dying. It keeps me up for hours panicing that I may never wake up and I could die in my sleep.

I love waking up or just being up.

sleep is nice but i hate sleeping in cause it takes away hours of my day

anti-sleep post 2013

Yesterday morning I accidentally got up so early that I thought the earth had reverted into a primordial state of tranquility but then I realized no, I was just up way too damn early.

I love sleep

It's better than being awake

I've been waking up at 6am or earlier recently, Feels so good.

Getting up at 5am is a mixed blessing. I have time to do stuff but I'm also tired as forget sometimes.

I only get on average 5 hours of sleep and it sucks

I have to get up at 4AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I sleep until noon the other two days of the week.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 11:51:49 PM by DJ3K »

I don't see what the issue is with sleep. I get more than enough, but it seems like nobody else does. It baffles me.

I have to get up at 4AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I sleep until noon the other three days of the week.
I'm pretty sure a week consists of 7 days, not 8.

I don't see what the issue is with sleep. I get more than enough, but it seems like nobody else does. It baffles me.
How do you do it? I could go to sleep at 9 PM and be just as tired the next morning as if I went to sleep at 2 AM.