Author Topic: Toggle Crouch  (Read 609 times)

If this already made I searched for it, but im requesting a toggle crouch client sided command with a keybind, thats about it. Thanks if anyone decides to do this.

Do you mean keybinds for this?

yes! that makes it more clear doesn't it.

so, like, a crouch option with 3 stages?
1. stand
2. kneel
3. crouch

Make a folder in Add-Ons labelled Client_SomeTextHere, make a Description.txt with text inside, and then this:

Code: (Client.cs) [Select]
package ToggleCrouch
    function crouch(%tog)
        Parent::crouch($Crouching = !$Crouching);

Make a folder in Add-Ons labelled Client_SomeTextHere, make a Description.txt with text inside, and then this:

Code: (Client.cs) [Select]
package ToggleCrouch
    function crouch(%tog)
        Parent::crouch($Crouching = !$Crouching);
Thank you.