looks great, hope the outcome is fantastic
also tie balloons to it so it weighs less
Hadn't thought of that one, I'll give it a shot. ;P
bump, this looks cool
so wait what do you need a keyboard on it for?
what will you be using your modified game boy for?
Thank you!
All of these mods are being used in chipmusic production. More on that later, but to answer your questions:
The DMGs are both running a tracker called
LSDJ. Another instrument in my setup, a GP2X, is running a similar tracker,
LGPT, which is essentially a sample-based LSDJ knock-off.
LSDJ has a built-in interface that allows you to use any old PS/2 keyboard to not just navigate the program, but as a four-octave keyboard, complete with an instrument selector/editor and allows you to mute keys - all "live style". I thought it would be neat for improvising or percussion. And if I ever play live it will make me look like I'm actually doing something lol
I'll update the OP with some more info on how the setup works.