Author Topic: Liddle Anarchist BLID 41901- Giving out free keys?  (Read 8344 times)

its his fault for giving his key away. don't waste 20 dollars on a friend unless you're that desperate. it was his fault.
He learned his lesson on giving his key away, obviously.

To give him my alt?

Why would you give someone another key after theirs was revoked.
There's a reason why theirs was revoked in the first place.


Why would you give someone another key after theirs was revoked.
There's a reason why theirs was revoked in the first place.
Well, it was revoked because someone else was using it, I gave him my key because someone was using his old one, I don't see how thats bad, once again:
He learned his lesson on giving his key away, obviously.

Some dude was spamming keys on MARBLE MAN's server a while ago, his BL_ID is 20473
Alt crCIA?
All fake

this happened to my server tried out a key didnt work nothing to worry about

Guys, stop talking about Maxx. If you want to talk about him, go make a Maxx drama. We're supposed to be talking about Liddle Anarchist here.

Steam chat.
Eepos: I did leave it?
Maxx: no, you're still doing stuff on blockland
Eepos: I thought harassing people wasn't doing anything
Maxx: What is there to gain from destroying blockland, exactly?
Eepos: the lulz
Maxx: That's not a valid reason.
Maxx: That's sad, lets say one day, a kid gets on blockland, and is excited to play it, but boom, the whole game doesn't even exist anymore.
Maxx: All because of you.
Maxx: and your friends.
Eepos: Yeah, p much
Maxx: Why, in your mind, do you have to do this.
Maxx: Why.
Eepos: I'm a sick, sadomasochist who enjoys humiliating people
Maxx: What did anyone here do to you?
Maxx: Exactly, absolutely nothing.
Eepos: No?
Maxx: You will gain nothing from doing this with your group.
Eepos: You all call me a handicap, a low life,
Maxx: It's because, you've had a bad history, why can't you just start over from this hate?
Eepos: No?
Maxx: You can just, get a new key, new IP, everything.
Eepos: I know
Maxx: You turn up as a different name.
Eepos: not fun that way
Maxx: Not fun?
Maxx: It'll be exciting, nobody would hate you anymore.
Maxx: It's sad to take the game down with you guys.
Maxx: Why can't you all just, start over?
Maxx: New names, new IP's
Maxx: Everything.
Maxx: Just think about this, just think, you could all start over the nice little way, instead of taking everything down with you guys.
Eepos: I don't care about people calling me something I'm not though so.
Maxx: Why do you guys have to do this?
Eepos: Because blockland is competiition with roblox
Maxx: Competition?
Eepos: we want to ensure... that roblox is more succesful.
Maxx: We never started anything, you guys did.
Eepos: RRA will rise, the storm will come
Maxx: Why can't the both of you giant groups, just get along?
Maxx: Its that simple.
Eepos: RRA and TTT are allies
Maxx: I'm saying roblox and blockland.
Eepos: But blockland is not giant
Maxx: Giant?
Maxx: Yes we are
Maxx: We've had 45000 people.
You can't even cooperate with this imbecile.
Badspot has to do something about this.
And before you start flaming me, atleast read this chat.

maxx gets trolled by eepos because maxx is handicapped. eepos knows this. no one is surprised.

maxx gets trolled by eepos because maxx is handicapped. eepos knows this. no one is surprised.
I am somehow considered handicapped by the Blockland community.
I'm pretty sure my nerve systems work perfectly fine.

maxx gets trolled by eepos because maxx is handicapped. eepos knows this. no one is surprised.
And also, you never even read the chat, because if you see the names "Eepos"
and "Maxx", you directly make stupid ass assumptions saying.
You also can't read the chat in a minute.

You also can't read the chat in a minute.

if you read slow as forget ........

This is such obvious trolling it's not even funny.

I am somehow considered handicapped by the Blockland community.
I'm pretty sure my nerve systems work perfectly fine.

every time you post, you help maintain the view that you are handicapped

every time you post, you help maintain the view that you are handicapped
Please, post on how I am handicapped.

im guesing this is the RRA storm
eepos thats mean stop it