Author Topic: If you could freeze time, what would you do?  (Read 2439 times)

I would want to be able to stop time and join the NFL. While in the middle of a tackle, I would freeze time, go back a couple feet, and tackle him again. In the middle of the frozen tackle, I would unfreeze time, and repeat the process. Eventually, I would repeat for the last time in history, and I would have tackled him several miles, and I would age while doing it, so my hair is just flying out of my face. The world would talk about the tackle that changed history.

I would freeze TF2 and backstab EVERYONE. INCLUDING MYSELF.

Do some matrix style stuff.

I'd probably be frozen as well.

I'd use it to go to certain places in an instant.

well easy

Go on everyones computer and trade all their games (if they have any they are trading) and their tf2 items to me...

Be the richest and hated player ever!

Do you still age while time is frozen?
Does everyone else still age while they're frozen?

Assuming the answer to those questions is no, I would use it for small personal things like cleaning.

well easy

Go on everyones computer and trade all their games (if they have any they are trading) and their tf2 items to me...

Be the richest and hated player ever!
electricity cant move when time is frozen

electricity cant move when time is frozen

stuff youre right....

I would then smack everyone I hate deeply in the face 4000 times

would light even move when time is frozen?

would light even move when time is frozen?
She sure as hell can't say no if time is frozens

would light even move when time is frozen?

this is the problem with freezing time

gravity wouldn't work, friction wouldn't work, light wouldn't move so you'd be blind if you moved the slightest bit from your original position, sound wouldn't happen, and lots of bad things would happen when time was resumed

this is the problem with freezing time

gravity wouldn't work, friction wouldn't work, light wouldn't move so you'd be blind if you moved the slightest bit from your original position, sound wouldn't happen, and lots of bad things would happen when time was resumed
Well in that case, I'll jump up and go to space and be the first person to go to space without a rocket.

doesn't time stop within a black hole's event horizon/singularity?
even then gravity still works