
Secret Poll Sry but I have too many ideas

Just continue this
2 (33.3%)
Adventure where forumers are on a island
3 (50%)
Do both at same time?!?!?
1 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: Claw, Bite, and Punch -Here it comes-  (Read 4506 times)

Place a fish 0n the gr0und, if the me0wing is a cat it'll c0me eat the fish.

open the door

get on the floor

everybody walk the dinosaur

kiss it

I d0 not kn0w h0w t0 pr0perly take care of it, but I give it a kiss and h0ld it in my hand

See, we placed some fish on the ground and got a cat.


Check outside for the person who left such an adorable creature in your care.

you've missed three O's that need to be 0's in the adventure so far.

oh here's a good idea!!
tape a thumbtack to the key on your keyboard so you remind yourself.

Check 0utside for the person wh0 left such an adorable creature in y0ur care.

you've missed three O's that need to be 0's in the adventure so far.

oh here's a good idea!!
tape a thumbtack to the key on your keyboard so you remind yourself.

Its just a slight accent. Its not in every o.

Keep the cat, call it Collin.