Author Topic: Luxurious Hotel  (Read 2463 times)

Currently, I'm working on a hotel that is 12 floors high 5 stars.   
Here are some pictures of the current progress.  Im expecting to complete the hotel by the coming Sunday. (may 19th)

Im new of the forums, so if you want me to post pictures of the current progress, leave lessons for me in the comments below.

(i hate being new and asking how to do stuff, its so akward) :I

OP says that there are pics

I can't wait to see =D

But... I don't see the pictures D=

Like i said, TELL ME HOW TO ADD PICTURES TO MY POSTS so you can see the current progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Its hard to explain, YOu need to post them on photobucking, then get the link/code and put it between the 's

remove the *
upload whatever images to like imgur or something and copy the url
but i'm pretty sure they already have a link with the img brackets already put in so you can use that if they're there.

this better be luxurious

ok, here are 4 photos from may 13th

yay i finally learned to post! :D

ok, here are 4 photos from may 13th

yay i finally learned to post! :D
stuff. i didnt work

Dont put [URL], but "[img]"

it doesnt work even with proper [img] tags.

lemme try again, this time with imgur.

as you can see, the interrior of the first floor isnt done.

lemme try again, this time with imgur.

as you can see, the interrior of the first floor isnt done.
i give up....                 :...c

lemme try again, this time with imgur.

as you can see, the interrior of the first floor isnt done.
fixed for you.

not bad!
not bad at all!