Author Topic: Force Trust One Side?  (Read 1386 times)


I need to know how I can bypass the trust for other people only on my side. This is because on my server, there are some patches of nothing, which the baseplates dont fit on, and people are able to build on it. I dont want to clear their bricks because most of them also helped build my map. So is there anyway I can bypass their trust to remove their bricks, but only I have trust and not them? And I dont understand how that would be admin abuse because I am the owner of my server and I have the right to do anything on it. I understand if I was only an admin, and not the host, then that could lead to admin abuse.

Thanks! :)

Destructo Wand destroys everything a brick is supporting. Use that.

Host your server
Open your console (key above tab)
Enter setMutualBrickGroupTrust(42358, [Blid], 2); (Replace [blid] with the id of whoever you want trust with
You now have full trust

Press CTRL+A to open the Admin menu.
Click the "Destructo Wand" button.
Hit the unwanted bricks with the Destructo Wand.

Be careful, irresponsible use of the Destructo Wand might damage your -entire- building.

Zeblote, does it do only one sided trust or both?

Zeblote, does it do only one sided trust or both?
It forces full trust between you and the other guy

Zeblote, does it do only one sided trust or both?

Trust is a two-way street.

Actually I'm pretty sure this is possible.  Someone could probably make script that modifies the trust-check function to check if the person attempting to modify the brick is the host/you.  I remember using it while messing around with teh cashmod.  Ah, here we go:

Code: (Script_CashmodII_Fix2\server.cs) [Select]
function fxDTSBrick::TrustCheckFailed(%brick)
%client = getbrickgroupfromobject(%brick).client;
if(isObject(%client) && isObject(%client.player) && %client.planted)
%vol = %brick.getVolume();
%cost = $Cash::BrickCostPerVolume / 10;
%client.cashObj.mod("Cash",0 + (%cost * %vol));

So from my POV it seems entirely possible.

Actually I'm pretty sure this is possible.  Someone could probably make script that modifies the trust-check function to check if the person attempting to modify the brick is the host/you.  I remember using it while messing around with teh cashmod.  Ah, here we go:

Code: (Script_CashmodII_Fix2\server.cs) [Select]
function fxDTSBrick::TrustCheckFailed(%brick)
%client = getbrickgroupfromobject(%brick).client;
if(isObject(%client) && isObject(%client.player) && %client.planted)
%vol = %brick.getVolume();
%cost = $Cash::BrickCostPerVolume / 10;
%client.cashObj.mod("Cash",0 + (%cost * %vol));

So from my POV it seems entirely possible.
That doesn't have anything to do with this topic.