Author Topic: Tezuni's Medieval Jail Escape...coming soon!  (Read 13925 times)


i wish there was a day where all dedicated servers had to go down
or all the most popular ones

to get the less popular hosts a chance

I friken agree. There are awesome hosts out there that are nice and build well, yet tezuni and stupid (IMO) knife fights are at the top.

loving awesome. tezuni your original jail RP got really boring, hopefully this will "refresh" some excitement.

This will refesh the "bore"

More good news, a rape torture room will be added to the jail!  :cookieMonster:

I still think the build is awful, though it shows slight improvement from the last one. 

I don't want to brag or sayin im better, but the jail does not look medieval

Are admins allowed in now?

oh god
stop being an idiot and try to help him improve instead.

I still think the build is awful, though it shows slight improvement from the last one. 
Will there be torture?

There will be torture, awesome! I will be sure to come and play some time.

This will refesh the "bore"
I friken agree. There are awesome hosts out there that are nice and build well, yet tezuni and stupid (IMO) knife fights are at the top.
I don't want to brag or sayin im better, but the jail does not look medieval
You are trying to be an arsehole now, aren't you.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:23:36 PM by Doughboy »

No, Im just saying that there are better things to play than tezunis maps. His Jail RP right now is 5 months-7 months old, looks the same...

No, Im just saying that there are better things to play than tezunis maps. His Jail RP right now is 5 months-7 months old, looks the same...
People can play whatever they want, keep your opinions to yourself or your thread. There is no need to post bad things on Tezuni's threads just because you don't like the server. ps. I could understand it if you were giving constructive criticism, but you weren't.

We have always gave him custructive critizysm or what ever, he never listens

We have always gave him custructive critizysm or what ever, he never listens
From what I have seen, you have not given an ounce of constructive criticism towards tezuni.
All you have said is how its not realistic (which does look kind of realistic to me), or how yours will be better.

I would like to be unbanned.