Author Topic: Tezuni's Medieval Jail Escape...coming soon!  (Read 13930 times)

What is it?
Tezuni's Medieval Jail Escape takes place in an underground jail; situated under a mountain, the jail is completely torch lit, giving it an orange glow throughout.  There are several rooms including: armory, misc supply room, and an eating area.  Players must get creative to find or even craft makeshift weapons to kill the guards - or use stealth to make their escape quietly.  Once outside the confines of the jail, the player makes their way down the mountain to their freedom.  
Get ready!

When is the server up?
Coming soon  — this build will be up as soon as the finishing details and fine tuning is complete.  The server is powered by RTB Hosting Services.

Note: If you request an unban, I will unban you.

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I already hate it. When I get home I will clear up my opinion a bit. I'm home!

Yeah you should elaborate.  I'm open to suggestions.
Suggestion 1 and i note, read the whole thing before you go on your way to report "Dismissive post, boohoo":
You shouldn't advertise your server on the forums unless its about something we have never seen before. Most of the forum community hates you and your servers for their lack of imagination, originality and bad administration ship. If you improved those cons that this server has, some people on the forums would respect you. The whole gameplay model is also flawed and doesn't work the way it was designed to, because the design is awful. No one RP's in the game, everyone just shoots each other and little babies cry about freekillers. If you somehow manage to make this server enjoyable, more power to you, but if you once again make a bad server that everyone except the blind in-game sheep hate, advertising on the forums is a wasted effort that could have been spent on making this server playable and fun.

So here, lets elaborate on why i hate this server before it has even been released unless my point has been made clear yet, or my point was not enough.
1. This is just a reskin of every other Jail RP ever made. Just because you call the armory "Ye olde weepon smithe" doesn't change anything. If you dive deeper than the skin you can see its the same as always. A dining room, a button that opens all the cell doors, an execution room, etc.
2. Promoting stealth and saying its an option for escaping the jail is like saying Blockland can support voice chat. It won't work. Infact, i know how it will turn out: Prisoner A approaches guard B from behind. A and B fight furiously by jump crouching and swinging their sticks at each other until one of them dies. If you actually have a script that that will instantly kill anyone who gets hit in the back with a pebble this server is in ruins.
3. The crafting system will most likely be never used unless it is absolutely the only way to go. I'm pretty sure no one wants to wait for 5 minutes so Mousefire(1); has gathered enough twigs and bricks to make a stone axe that deals 5 damage per hit, and of course there will be one starfish waiting next to the item spawn point who will steal your weapon you waited 5 minutes for to make.
4. Jail R- Excuse me, "Jail Escape" servers are bad anyways. The whole idea behind a jail RP is nothing but a drama factory because there is no way a script can see that a freekiller is freekilling.

Tl:dr - Only innovation here is that its actually called "Jail escape" instead of a "Jail RP", But both terms are wrong since the gamemode it runs is a TDM in which the other side spawns without weapons and has to press a button to win.

Inb4 Tezuni completely disregards this and bans me for reason "Tonkka_Forumtroll".
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 07:55:17 AM by Tonkka² »

I already hate it. When I get home I will clear up my opinion a bit.
Yeah you should elaborate.  I'm open to suggestions.

At least it's now called jailbreak and not jail rp.
This makes sense because its not an rp, it's a fancy tdm.

oh god
Yeah you should elaborate.  I'm open to suggestions.
At least it's now called jailbreak and not jail rp.
This makes sense because its not an rp, it's a fancy tdm.

i actually like how it looks, i like the lighting and the way the cells are designed. looking forward to playing on it!

did you clear at least half of your ban list?

Or even craft..... Hmmmm? Someone been reading my topics. Anyways hes a horrible events, not likely he will do much. ALso The jail cells hallway, its to wide, they always were narrow.

Also in "mideval" times, they barley had jails, the hate to lop off they heads.

Also in "mideval" times, they barley had jails, the hate to lop off they heads.
I'm almost positive they still had some kind of confinement.

Edit: yup, there were dungeons

Yea, but they were not built out of dirt though, they had concrete, but older they used morter will shells of muscles and other small creatures.

Oh also, If he still has Brian* as admin. Might as well hack into RTB hosting services and stop the server. He perm banned me for proving him wrong =/

hey my medieval bricks  :cookie:

i have to say, while it isnt too great, it is 1000x better build wise than last one.

wait wtf, why are there torches in the prisoner's cells?
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 07:51:33 AM by Pass »

Hey this looks like fun! I'll be sure to stop in a play.

Or even craft..... Hmmmm? Someone been reading my topics. Anyways hes a horrible events, not likely he will do much. ALso The jail cells hallway, its to wide, they always were narrow.
Also in "mideval" times, they barley had jails, the hate to lop off they heads.
Yea, but they were not built out of dirt though, they had concrete, but older they used morter will shells of muscles and other small creatures.

Really? First, it took me like 4 times to understand what your tried to say. Second, they had dungeons. I do not think back in the medieval days they had 'concrete' more like really large stone blocks. Tez doesn't have to be great at events, he could either get help or learn as he goes, we all start somewhere. Finally, if you are going to complain about an admin ban, I do believe you can take this up with Tez personally (instead of filling the topic with it). 'Hacking' RTB to shut his server down would (hopefully) get you banned from RTB or something of that nature.

did you clear at least half of your ban list?

Note: If you request an unban, I will unban you.