Author Topic: Simcity 2013 can run Shadows and Shaders fine, but Blockland...  (Read 1051 times)

Okay, this is bothering me.

I can run Simcity 2013 with Shaders AND Shadows, but I can't run SHADOWS in blockland

Is there some kind of weird thing I must know about?

By the way, I use Intel and plan to get another graphics card soon, can you guys reccomend me a graphics card that can run Medium S&S, at a good framerate (60 FPS or so)

Don't use Intel. Also, wrong section.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 07:12:13 PM by Nonnel »

I think blockland shaders render differently than others.

I think blockland shaders render differently than others.
Normally Shaders are the same for most games I think

Normally Shaders are the same for most games I think
well, blockland does run on torque, maybe torque shaders are diffrent from the rest because, it's rather outdated.

By the way, I use Intel and plan to get another graphics card soon, can you guys reccomend me a graphics card that can run Medium S&S, at a good framerate (60 FPS or so)
what budget

There is not a standard universal implementation of shadows or shaders. Game engines that have them implement them in the way that the creators found to work best/work at all. There are multiple factors that decide this and some ways may be better optimized than others.

SimCity is a game created by a large company using the apparently much more capable GlassBox engine (probably also created by that company, but i'm not sure). Their technology is probably going to be better than Blockland's, which is made by a small team working off of a weird old engine they modify as they need.

blockland is inefficient

blockland is inefficient
Blockland is actually pretty efficient. I don't know many other (non-voxel) games that can render 256,000+ objects at once AND put shadows on them.

Blockland is actually pretty efficient. I don't know many other (non-voxel) games that can render 256,000+ objects at once AND put shadows on them.
fair enough