Author Topic: Omegle vsomethingsomething  (Read 8957 times)

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Keep this chat open without chatting for as long as you can.
Stranger 1: challenge accepted
Stranger 1: think we can go 10 mins

10 minutes later

Stranger 2: good time lets see 'em beat that
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 1: u forgeted it up
Stranger 1: we could of kept going
Stranger 2: how it was 38 when we started
Stranger 2: you said 10
Stranger 2: i stuck w/ it lol
Stranger 1: we could of gotten more
Stranger 2: true
Stranger 2: sry dude
Stranger 1: i thought you were awesome
Stranger 2: :c
Stranger 1: totally not awesome though
Stranger 2: how could you say that?
Stranger 2: obviously this was not enough time for you to get to know me
Stranger 1: i know plenty
Stranger 2: oh really?
Stranger 1: like how you are totally not awesome
Stranger 1: and you are secretly in the closet
Stranger 2: what if i preferred amazing?..which your not btw
Stranger 1: i love how you dont debate the in the closet part
Stranger 2: actually lol im f but i do like watching to guys forget
Stranger 1: two
Stranger 2: sry screwed that up aswell didnt i
Stranger 1: like everything else you do
Stranger 2: big fail
Stranger 1: yep
Stranger 1: you really are
Stranger 2: thanx
Stranger 2: troll
Stranger 1: :(
Stranger 1: how dare you call me a troll
Stranger 2: i dare to tell the truth
Stranger 1: oh yeah
Stranger 1: forgot
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 1: and btw im not actually a troll
Stranger 1: its just 3 am
Stranger 1: and im bored
Stranger 2: its 4 am here..n ditto
Stranger 1: im sure you arent a failure
Stranger 1: you seem very smart actually
Stranger 2: thanks
Stranger 1: very even tempered
Stranger 1: :)
Stranger 2: lol thanx dude
Stranger 1: dude
Stranger 1: ?
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 2: just a term i use
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 1: please dont call me a dude
Stranger 2: aight
Stranger 1: you can call me princess if u want
Stranger 1: or queen would be nice
Stranger 2: k princess if that what you prefer
Stranger 1: yay!!!!!
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 1: yeah im way 2 bored for my own good
Stranger 2: lol ikr
Stranger 1: im gonna go before i get weird
Stranger 1: well weirder
Stranger 1: *rolls eyes*
Stranger 2: k nice talking to ya princess lol
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 1: nice talking with you pumpkin
Stranger 1 has disconnected

Guys, set your interests to blf or blockland, let's do this.

rest in piece maxwell
1337 - 2013

Oh my god. and ill never write the story...
Somebody continue this and write a fanfiction about it.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 10:58:31 PM by Maze24 »

I feel bad whenever I tell someone "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm a dude."

Interests as BLF, Blockland, Blockland Forums.

wtf no one is here get on people
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 01:14:18 PM by Peberro »

Possible bump, yes?
Yes. Let's make sure this thread goes on as long as possible

Uhhh... (of course I sent it to mr man, I'm not an starfish)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 05:28:05 PM by Linkusofepica »

Yes. Let's make sure this thread goes on as long as possible

Uhhh... (of course I sent it to mr man, I'm not an starfish)
dear god linkus that's forgeted.