Author Topic: Anyone get this weird feeling sometimes?  (Read 977 times)

It seems that sometimes I get this feeling, even though nobody is related to anyone here except for a couple people, that like the BLF is my second family.
Anyone else have this feeling?

Can't say I know that feeling.
Topic title is ambiguous.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:07:54 PM by KoopaScooper »

I have that feel sometimes...

That one feel...

Of feel...

And family on the BLF

Been there felt that.

No. I don't have that feeling.
The only weird Blockland feeling I have is when I get mapsick and go back to v19.
That's all.

No, nobody likes me here

I do!
You like everyone, even some of the most hated members.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:23:48 PM by Cuddles le Bear »

Not everyone.

Anyway, I never get the feeling that you guys are my family. :v
Some of you are among my best friends, though.

I'm the creepy grampa.

the people here that I like the least, I still like more than most people I know in person
but I wouldn't say I consider most of you family