Author Topic: Found out I have low blood sugar!  (Read 1597 times)



hypoglycemia has nothing to do with diabetes besides involving bloodsugar. It's like the complete opposite of what diabetes is. It's also no where near as bad as diabetes and really isn't detrimental to your health unless you happen to injure yourself while your having a low blood sugar. Low blood sugars do suck richard though, but I would much rather just have that then actual diabetes.
I never said hypoglycemia was caused by diabetes. Just that it's a blood-sugar related disease. And diabetes is a disease related to blood-sugar.
I separated the rest of my post about hypoglycemia from my reply to nonnel, because I didn't want them to get mixed up. I was just trying to distinguish between blood pressure and blood sugar. Sorry for the confusion.

And low blood sugar is dangerous. It's not as life-threatening as diabetes, but it is dangerous. It's very easy for hypoglycemics to become faint and tired, and this increases the risk of falling and hurting yourself seriously.
And hypoglycemic comas are a possibility.

I don't want to sound like I'm scaremongering, since its not all that common (people with eating disorders, like anorexia, or even those on extreme fitness diets can suffer from it), but the danger is there.

All it takes is to maintain a good balanced diet alongside exercise, which is always recommended for everyone, regardless of most diseases.
And it's better for Maxx to focus on that now, rather than grow complacent and ignore it.
If he is concerned, then talk to a doctor, but otherwise just try to live healthily.

And low blood sugar is dangerous. It's not as life-threatening as diabetes, but it is dangerous. It's very easy for hypoglycemics to become faint and tired, and this increases the risk of falling and hurting yourself seriously.
And hypoglycemic comas are a possibility.

I don't want to sound like I'm scaremongering, since its not all that common (people with eating disorders, like anorexia, or even those on extreme fitness diets can suffer from it), but the danger is there.

I'm diabetic, I know a lot about hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia really doesn't do anything dangerous at all. The worst possible thing it could do is cause a seizure. Unless you can't feel a low blood sugar which some people can't the chance of having a seizure is super low. While having a seizure is bad and all, it doesn't affect your health at all except for maybe getting hurt.

Also there is absolutely no possibility of going into a coma. The worst is passing out until you're bloodsugar is back to normal.

Maxx has diabeetus?
I think I have diabeetus, It's in my family

My brother has type 1. It's really hard to take care of.

I'm diabetic, I know a lot about hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia really doesn't do anything dangerous at all. The worst possible thing it could do is cause a seizure. Unless you can't feel a low blood sugar which some people can't the chance of having a seizure is super low. While having a seizure is bad and all, it doesn't affect your health at all except for maybe getting hurt.

Also there is absolutely no possibility of going into a coma. The worst is passing out until you're bloodsugar is back to normal.
I'm currently studying the effects of Hypo/Hyperglycemia, the roles of Insulin/Glucagon and Diabetes. I can't speak for personal experience, but I trust my current education and additional research.
Unfortunately I don't have a better source off the top of my head, so please forgive me for linking to Wikipedia.
Quote from: Wikipedia
Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing

The lack of blood-sugar to the brain can cause many problems.
It's at the most serious end of the spectrum, but Comas can occur when the brain cells are starved of glucose and fail to respire.
Hyperglycemic and Hypoglycemic Comas can and do occur.

And really, saying that it can cause siezures, yet Hypoglycemia isn't that dangerous is a bit of contradiction.
Siezures can be exceedingly dangerous.
Not just from the effects of falling over and hurting yourself, but they can lead to damage to brain cells.

I'm not trying to argue that the disease is as bad or worse than Hyperglycemia (Diabetes induced or not).
Hypoglycemics can often live very easy comfortable lives.
But there are dangers to it, which can be serious. And with any disease, it's best not to lay back and accept it.
It only takes a good lifestyle to avoid it.

I think I have diabeetus, It's in my family
Does your family have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 is genetically linked, and often manifests at a young age. Which is why it's often called Early-Onset Diabetes.

Type 2 is mostly linked with lifestyle. Those who are often times very fat or have poor diets high in sugar and fats can cause themselves to develop Type 2 Diabetes. It tends to start up at a later age, so it's called Adult-Onset Diabetes.
You can have a pre-disposition towards it however.

My brother has type 1. It's really hard to take care of.
Sorry to hear that.
I take it he has regular insulin injections throughout the day?

diabetes not cryabetes

idk i've always wanted to say that

Read the part about hypoglycemia. It can cause you to pass out. It does not cause a long term coma in the same way that hyperglycemia or ketoacidosis can. Though I guess you would be unconscious until you're bloodsugar is back to a normal level.

Hypoglycemia resulting in a seizure should be very very rare. It's pretty difficult to actually have a seizure if you're bloodsugar is low.

Well that honestly doesn't mean anything, all that means is you have to eat some form of sugar. If would only matter if you had diabetes.

Most people have low blood sugar after doing physical activities or if they go for a long time without eating
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 01:31:51 PM by Grumpy »

sorry I couldn't help it :cookieMonster:

my grandmother has type 1, my dad has type 2 but it's well controlled

I'm slightly hypoglycemic but it's not that bad
I just have to eat in the mornings