Author Topic: 3447 When did i join BL in what year?  (Read 2333 times)

pretty sure 2010
it was on november too

I purchased Blockland on September 1st 2008.

Magical children would go to Hogwarts on that date.

I see you purchased something magical on the same day.

played v0002

purchased retail ~february of 2009? 2008? idk

4543, Somewhere in March 2008.

8788; I don't know when, I think it was around v8-v9.

Date Registered:    November 23, 2007
After some cringing I found my old account.
I'm an old cigarette.

27857/february 2011 i got retail i think, joined the forums in like, november 2010.

11994/December 2007

captain demo-forever reporting for duty

as for getting my key, either in early 2009 or late 2008

Played the demo in 2008