I'm not defending OP in any way, but Badspot provided no evidence.
He's either going off of registered email or IP address or payment information, neither of which technically prove without a doubt that he is the same person.
And I'm fairly sure you can't use the same email address over two accounts, you may have been able to when this account was made since it seems to be old.
As far as Badspot is concerned it could be Spencer's long lost brother who just so happened to use the same email, computer, and credit card as Spencer and has decided to start posting.
So don't tell people that Badspot has all his ducks in a row when he doesn't, I'm tired of him stepping in and saying stuff like this when he knows little more than any average user.
Keep in mind that doesn't mean I don't believe this is Spencer, just the fact that none of us can prove or know that it without a doubt is him.
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