Author Topic: Wound  (Read 10390 times)

Me and Wound have had our differences but I have to say I'm with Wound on this one. He didn't hack you. You should have just bought your own key and keep it to yourself.

jesus christ you guys. get your own $20 and buy your own keys.

what's even more hilarious is that badspot now has to revoke the key because it's been shared, then wound and carbon get off scott free.

and yes wound is part of this even if he denies it. the chatlog on rtb might be carbon being a douche but the IPs prove that wound has a hold of your key.

I know I am getting offtopic, but I shared my key (37991) with a friend I knew. (I know, big mistake.) The friend must have gave the key to someone else.

And, for some reason, now I can't access my key, but this some guy 77x5ghost or something still uses it.

I tried contacting Badspot to revoke the whole key so that I can't use it and the other guy can't use it as well.

He ignored the message and I continue to sob while trying to argue with 77x5ghost that the key is mine.

This is what happens when you don't buy your own keys. I HIGHLY recommend not to get keys from somebody else or give your key to other people.

wound does infact have carbon's key

I never said I didn't have Carbon's key, I said I didn't have your key, think about it.

Also, what was your point on coming onto the teamspeak, me explaining, then you calling me stupid and leaving.

double toast:
lols, now he's trying to teach me how to delete files;

Er, where's the explanation in that?

of course no one actually looked at the console to see if there was any proof of him try to delete the files...
which there was none.

If he had made a syntax error it would have said so
or if he didn't and he typed 8, 7, 9, &, or ( then it would have said

Marble Man is full of stuff, as usual.

of course no one actually looked at the console to see if there was any proof of him try to delete the files...
which there was none.

If he had made a syntax error it would have said so
or if he didn't and he typed 8, 7, 9, &, or ( then it would have said

Marble Man is full of stuff, as usual.
he didn't type a valid console command
IIRC he didn't use findFirstFile()

he didn't type a valid console command
IIRC he didn't use findFirstFile()
... then it would have given either an error or something that looks like

Works with eval too

he didn't type a valid console command
IIRC he didn't use findFirstFile()
Either you deleted evidence or you are just flat out lying.
it would have given either an error or something that looks like

Works with eval too

Either you deleted evidence or you are just flat out lying.
the problem is solved

I don't have the line of code, but the while loop was false from the start, so nothing happened

...was false from the start...

This is an iffy choice of words considering the past few posts. Sure, it has a technical meaning, but still...

This is an iffy choice of words considering the past few posts. Sure, it has a technical meaning, but still...

Code: [Select]
MARBLE MAN spawned.
Got Connect challenge Request from
Starting arranged connection to
   o possible[0] =
   o possible[1] =
   o possible[2] =
Got connect request from
  net name = Háta
AUTHCHECK: Háta = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Got Connect challenge Request from
Auth Init Successfull: Háta
CADD: 17493
 +- bl_id = 483
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
Regenerating file manifest
Got 2191 items in manifest, 8 files hashed
Window reactivating...
Window reactivating...
Háta: I'm really upset with the amount of starfishs on bl.
Háta spawned.
Háta: Wound has FRIENDS
Háta: that's bullstuff.
MARBLE MAN: wound/someone got a script
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Wound
AUTHCHECK: Wound = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Wound
CADD: 17688
 +- bl_id = 2206
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
MARBLE MAN: to shut down my server / disconnect me
Wound: can you stop making accusations
BAN issued by MARBLE MAN BL_ID:29135 IP:local
  +- victim name = Wound
  +- victim bl_id = 2206
  +- ban time = -1
  +- ban reason =
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 17688
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Wound
AUTHCHECK: Wound = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
BL_ID 2206 is banned, rejecting
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 17736
Háta: how'd he come?
MARBLE MAN: He wasn't banned yet
Háta: no I mean
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = MARBLE MAN
AUTHCHECK: MARBLE MAN = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: MARBLE MAN
CADD: 17791
 +- bl_id = 29135
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Háta: what is he talking about
Client 17791 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 17791
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
Posting to master failed.  Reason: No user
Window reactivating...
Window reactivating...
Got Connect challenge Request from
Starting arranged connection to
   o possible[0] =
   o possible[1] =
   o possible[2] =
   o possible[3] =
   o possible[4] =
Got connect request from
  net name = Klocko
AUTHCHECK: Klocko = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Got Connect challenge Request from
Auth Init Successfull: Klocko
CADD: 17846
 +- bl_id = 25096
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Window reactivating...
Window reactivating...
MARBLE MAN: that's fake
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Wound
AUTHCHECK: Wound = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
BL_ID 2206 is banned, rejecting
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 17948
Got Connect challenge Request from
Starting arranged connection to
   o possible[0] =
   o possible[1] =
   o possible[2] =
   o possible[3] =
   o possible[4] =
Got connect request from
  net name = sh0ckthealien
AUTHCHECK: sh0ckthealien = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Got Connect challenge Request from
Auth Init Successfull: sh0ckthealien
CADD: 17956
 +- bl_id = 28299
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Klocko: Wound?
Window reactivating...
Window reactivating...
Klocko: What's wound doing now?
MARBLE MAN: He tried to remove all my add-ons
sh0ckthealien spawned.
MARBLE MAN: everythig
Klocko spawned.
MARBLE MAN: he has some kind of hacks
Klocko: Backup your add-ons, NOW.
Háta: good idea
Háta: brb
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Dren110
AUTHCHECK: Dren110 = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Dren110
CADD: 18111
 +- bl_id = 39319
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
Posting to master failed.  Reason: No user
MARBLE MAN: shutting down server
Destroying NET Server
CDROP: 13794 IPX:00000000:000000000000:0
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 18111
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 17956
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 17846
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 17493
Exporting server prefs...
De-activating package: snowBallPackage
De-activating package: RTB_Modules_Server_Authentication
De-activating package: RTB_Modules_Server_GUITransfer
De-activating package: RTB_Modules_Server_ServerControl
De-activating package: RTB_Server
De-activating package: RaycastingFire
De-activating package: RYGReloading
De-activating package: AdvWeaponry
De-activating package: AltDatablocks
De-activating package: Bipods
De-activating package: LMGS
De-activating package: SnipersRCool
De-activating package: oldSchoolRifle
De-activating package: HEGrenadePackage
De-activating package: Player_Trapped
De-activating package: TankPackage
De-activating package: vehicleHornSupportPackage
De-activating package: SpeedKartHandPackage
De-activating package: PirateCannonPackage
De-activating package: ShootOnClick_Pack
De-activating package: gc_HumveePackage
De-activating package: FillCan
De-activating package: Duplorcator
De-activating package: happyDoorFunTime
De-activating package: ACM2
De-activating package: ACM
De-activating package: Self DeleteOverwrite
De-activating package: ShapeMakerPackage
De-activating package: NoSave
De-activating package: ServerBuildTrust
De-activating package: OverLap
De-activating package: MarbuildCommands
De-activating package: GoldenBrickPackage
De-activating package: FreeOrb
De-activating package: blinded
De-activating package: EvalScriptBuilder_Commands
De-activating package: BuilderMode_AddLineOrEval
De-activating package: sportBallsPackage
De-activating package: TreasureChestPackage
De-activating package: TreasureChestPersistencePackage
De-activating package: TeledoorPackage
De-activating package: pumpkinCarving
De-activating package: CheckpointPackage
De-activating package: BotHolePackage
De-activating package: holeZombiePackage
De-activating package: holeSharkPackage
Slayer (Client): Disconnecting from server
De-activating package: RaycastingFire
Exporting Better Trust prefs
Exporting server prefs
Exporting client prefs
Exporting client config
Exporting rtb prefs
Slayer (Client): Deactivating Slayer
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Making the GL rendering context not current...
Deleting the GL rendering context...
Releasing the device context...
I got the juicy stuff