Author Topic: Wound  (Read 10891 times)

Uh oh, this can't be good. Two of my friends are fighting.


  • Administrator
I did not trade Carbon for your key, god what a waste of a trade lol.

I don't even need to try and put your server out, other people are already doing so, I'm not involved.

Only 2 IP addresses have logged into key 29135 today:  Your's and Marbleman's. 

I thought you would have had the common sense to lay low for a while after our email conversation.  Guess I was wrong. 

Only 2 IP addresses have logged into key 29135 today:  Your's and Marbleman's. 

I thought you would have had the common sense to lay low for a while after our email conversation.  Guess I was wrong. 

Uh so who owns what keys?

I want another badspot drama this time on wound.

I want another badspot drama this time on wound.
You're looking at it.

I'm being serious, I'm not doing anything to your server, I've been on Jack Noir's all day, then I go to join your server a few seconds to explain how I'm not doing this, because I get annoyed how your friends RTB me about this.
Quote from: NetIPforum.Corg
Got Connect challenge Request from
AUTHCHECK: Wound = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Wound
CADD: 17688

 +- bl_id = 2206

CDROP - some numbers where here

Got connect request from
  net name = Wound
Bolded words are what you need to tell if you're lying.

Also I can't help but notice his clan tags..

Also I can't help but notice his clan tags..

wellll.. yolo

Also I can't help but notice his clan tags..
Must be some really private clans that no one knows about.

lol i knew wound was part of this. what a bad liar he  is too. he says "im done replying to this thread" then when people call him out he returns and becomes all defensive.

Someone summarize what the forget is going on here

Someone summarize what the forget is going on here
wound is using marble man's key to piss marble man off.

wound is using marble man's key to piss marble man off.

From the beginning:
May 8th Deactivation (Imposing stuff)
Carbon offers key
I accept
-- Time goes by --
I meet wound
Wound trolls maxx
I help wound code
-- Time goes by --
Wound and I trade, he gets SA in exchange for some files
-- Time goes by --
TomTom pops in and evals some stuff that makes me nervous
I de-super-Admin everyone on my server
Wound is mad, b/c he knows he earned that SA
I de-admin wound
Wound trolls my server
I ignore him
-- Time goes by --
Wound bluffs about having bedroom
Carbon and Wound trade
(Some stuff i'm not filled in about 100%:
 --Wound gains key? - unconfirmed
 --Wound authenticated it ONCE
-- Not much time goes by --
Drama started
-- Time goes by --
Marble get on teamspeak
Talks about stuff (i'm curious)
--Eepos had a part in giving wound the code for deleting add-ons, and lol'd at it being bad
--Eepos planned on getting the key deactivated
--Eepos Planned on releasing the key
--Eepos is mad at me in general (I know something he is trying to deny)
--more eepos troll stuff
I switch back to alt I bought
-- Time goes by --
We're friends now, laughing at the drama, seeing that it's still carrying out
Osnap badspot post
29135 was deactivated (not sure, haven't checked)
as far as I know, wound is not.
Carbon is bothering wound for admin on jacks server & teamspeak
Carbon doesn't remotely care about what happened
-- Time goes by --
This post


Loot (Carbon)
Shape Bedroom
Shapemaker (Tool for static shapes, prototype)
a 2k Key
Admin on Jack's server

Loot (Wound)
Shape Bedroom
Shapemaker (Tool for static shapes, prototype)
My key

Loot (Marble)