Author Topic: Half-Life movie?  (Read 1069 times)

i might be late, but that's not important.

To be released in 2224

Can anyone just update imdb?

it still might happen. :( quit ruining my dreams.
I'm not trying to ruin your dream

I've never really trusted Kotaku about anything.
So you don't trust that JJ Abrams is busy as hell and can't work on the film right away?

So you don't trust that JJ Abrams is busy as hell and can't work on the film right away?
Haha, not to completely ignore how busy that man is, I agree that Kotaku is not the place I'd go to for information on things I actually want to be informed about. Not that I expect a Half-Life movie at all, I'm just saying. In fact, I really hope they DO NOT make a movie of Half-Life.
If there's one thing worse than a sequel to a movie based on a book, it's a movie based off a game.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 02:58:27 PM by Azerath »

So you don't trust that JJ Abrams is busy as hell and can't work on the film right away?

I believe that Abrams is busy, but that has nothing to do with my distrust of Kotaku.

Haha, not to completely ignore how busy that man is, I agree that Kotaku is not the place I'd go to for information on things I actually want to be informed about. Not that I expect a Half-Life movie at all, I'm just saying. In fact, I really hope they DO NOT make a movie of Half-Life.
If there's one thing worse than a sequel to a movie based on a book, it's a movie based off a game.
Yeah, make a damn Portal movie already

Yeah, make a damn Portal movie already
It's only been 6 years since the game came out, 26 years and no Zelda movie. :c