


Author Topic: Thief Unit -TRIPLE WHAMMY-  (Read 155249 times)

Why do you have re-

Enough questions from you, and lemme ask; the forget is going on, wheres gearflake mcforget, and why are we in your stuffty house.
yeah okay just interrupt me nice
Woah there put down the guitar, starfish.
You think I know any more then you? You guys just fell into my pool after I heard an explosion.

Y'know maybe like, be kind to the people who didn't leave you to die? Would be cool.
We have reported at least 20 civilian casualties, although we are still counting those who gave their life in an attempt to protect the bank.
Ugh, gimmie a sec.

Kinzie, are you watching tv?
Yeah, why?
It's here as well! I'm kinda trying to talk to these people.
The TV goes throughout all the house? That's dumb as hell.
You're dumb as hell!
Yeah but I forgeted your sister!

So uh... Smith...
The hell was that black magic?

Tha-that was a medkit?
You were stumblin around with a bleeding arm and screaming about how it was gone but I patched it up?
You okay?

Where am I, what happened?!

Subject is awake. Activate Omega class blaster.

Get someone down here to collect the blood.

Sierra, the subject's blood has been captured. Going to start on OMEGA.
Roger that, Hotel.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 04:16:36 PM by Legoboss »

>"do you forgetlords have a car or some stuff?"
>or otherwise suggest going out and looking for everyone else

>ask why keiza's hands got all glowy

>lynx : excuse yourself and enter a different room
look around i guess

>Ishmael: Thank the people for helping you, and then get with Lynx to try to formulate something remotely close to a plan
And tell Vovan to calm the forget down
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 07:08:23 PM by hodototman »

well forget
what can i do but be a damsel in distress

wait holy stuff tanndt disappeared after that explosion

well forget
what can i do but be a damsel in distress

Release your inner MacGyver and escape the forget out of that place.

Or wait for some random turncoat to help you out of there.

You know I would make an excuse but you guys have probably all heard it before.
I like this adventure, I do, but I always have so many ideas at once that I want to go "hey this is cool as well," but I wanna stay loyal to my current one.
Like, it doesn't even take more then 2 hours at most, I guess i'm just really lazy.
Sorry for the forever wait, i'll update when im not being lazy.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 07:49:48 PM by Legoboss »