Author Topic: Wound - Hasn't changed at all  (Read 10531 times)

Ok, so Wound has come back to the forums with his account wuond. Guess what? He still hasn't changed.

I mean seriously, just look at his Profile.

So let's begin with the recent Wound drama.
Wound has some kind of hacks that lets him use eval, regardless and join servers with the same name as the host
^^ console log of when he last joined

I banned him when he first joined
30 seconds later, he connects (under his same IP, but my username) and evals something to remove all all files under the pattern "*"
LUCKLY, He mistyped it and he disconnected really quickly

[quote author=Wound (from rtb of Carbon Zypher)
"Marble man, if you continue to make accusations of how I shut your server down and have your but buddies PM me bullstuff, I will shut down your server and deactivate your key, so forget you, I have nothing to do with this 'eval' thing, just forget offf"

This is getting out of hand.

Now it was proven that Wound didn't actually crash the server, but a shared key was being used. And:
Only 2 IP addresses have logged into key 29135 today:  Your's and Marbleman's. 

I thought you would have had the common sense to lay low for a while after our email conversation.  Guess I was wrong. 

Now, you all know Maxx, right? A lot of people dislike him for being an idiot, I know. Frankly, yes he can do dumb things sometimes, but I will say we're friends. Now, a forum account called Maxxbot. This forum account is obviously a troll making fun of Maxx. I'm not just defending Maxx as a friend, but that went way too far. In fact, I don't see how people found it THAT funny. Really, on the profile itself, it makes fun of Maxx being fat. That's not funny, that's downright loving cruel.

leave me alone you guys!!!
stop bumping this guyssss!!!!!!!!

im ganna get my mom!!!!!!!!111!!11
i could do this if i wasn't a pusillanimous individual :(
i wish i was cool enough to get arrested and smoke weed.

but im just a wimpy bitch
glass is almost cool as my guys, i dont see whats wrong.

hatrs ganna hate glass

© Maxxbot is the best
ok guys im making a aim bot and it isn't working

fucton aimbot:;::work(%percent,%percent)
  is aim boting
     messageclint(%percent,'',"im aimboting");;;:
     client.centerprint("U SO L337 brother");
return im cool;

um over 9000
so today while i was coding my new awesome aimbot i made a ub3rrr cool build

rate 1/2
stuff rong forum
hey thats forgeted up dude! i said 1/2

I'm sure you get the idea, here's all the other posts.

I mean, my God, you're actually THAT low enough to spend $20 for something so worthless? Quoting from Twenky,
he bought a key just to impersonate maxx and make him look bad, that's pretty pathetic

However, you're probably wondering what this has to do with Wound. Well, it turns out, it was him after all!

well, in my short ammount of time on roosterland, ill be back in a few years when im not mature at all.[size=1pt  [color=TRANSPARENT im wound [/color][/size]


there is something hidden in this post, find it biches

brothers im out!
Yeah, because that's SO hilarious.

Anyways, a couple of minutes after I post in the thread, I get this PM:
you're so gullible it's cute as forget.

you're another maxx.

Seriously, you're using the word gullible with me again.
you're so gullible it's funny.
Lol, you're so gullible is funny, when will you learn.

"I'm going to avoid the point and call my opponent stupid!"

So yeah, that's pretty much it. Guess this whole statement:
started over? i never started over, literally, my rep has always been stuff, I never kept my alts a secret, if anyone wanted to know, I would tell them.
was proven true. Wound, bottom line, you're a richard and you really need to learn how to behave.

it's like glass but with even more stupidity

That profile makes me happy

He most likely noticed I was away for a while and decided to buy another key to do this.
Anyway, even though it was Wound it didn't seem to be at for starters, wound buys 2ks off a third party website, and in this case he bought a 43k.

I'm going to go back to being away, but anyway I support this drama, and Acer, I'm not fat lol, I weigh like 84lbs, and for my age its pretty skinny.

He most likely noticed I was away for a while and decided to buy another key to do this.
Anyway, even though it was Wound it didn't seem to be at for starters, wound buys 2ks off a third party website, and in this case he bought a 43k.

I'm going to go back to being away, but anyway I support this drama, and Acer, I'm not fat lol, I weigh like 84lbs, and for my age its pretty skinny.

No, I know you aren't fat. I was saying that Wound calling you fat went way too far.

I weigh like 84lbs, and for my age its pretty skinny.

what are you

regardless does wound have like, a grudge against you or something

what are you

regardless does wound have like, a grudge against you or something
I'm not sure.

did he claim he changed?

what are you

regardless does wound have like, a grudge against you or something
Actually, yes.

Back when I was younger, acted stupid on these forums and had that stupid loving Scratch account, I would create horribly-put together dramas. Then I met Wound on his Essourus (sorry if I don't spell that right) account. We became friends, but there were highs and lows. At one point he gave me admin on his server, but at other times he criticized my posts and flamed me (which at times I deserved).

At one point, it started to go way downhill. I was going incredibly overload with the horrible dramas I was making. However, Wound started to really hate me, even putting me down at times I was actually behaving well.

Then, when I learned how to limit and make better dramas, he STILL disliked me, discouraging everything I wanted to post on the forums (before this, he would actually check some dramas I wanted to make). We were still friends, but I really started to get tired of him.

I forget what happened from then until now, I'm not sure he has really interacted with me on this account until now. But yes, Wound has a huge grudge on me.

I'm 72lb and 13 if it counts Maxx, don't feel bad. Also yeah, Wound is a richard sometimes.

I'm 72lb and 13 if it counts Maxx, don't feel bad. Also yeah, Wound is a richard sometimes.
Oh trust me, he's always been a richard.