Author Topic: Forums Really Slow?  (Read 3004 times)

Yeah, I wish badspot would have removed the search bar for a little longer so we could post "search before you post" on all the duplicate topics for the trolls and the lols.
you DO realize that trolling isn't allowed here, right?

We switched servers.

every single time a thread comes up with this mis-information

the search button lags the server and Badspots trying to find out why
thats why he disabled it a few weeks ago
Seems to me that the older server was better. Just sayin

I haven't noticed a slow-down.
Everyone who says this only says it because they're so use to their browsers being slow.

He needs better hosting, godaddy is bad.
Godaddy is simply just for the domain, he uses SoftLayer which I guess seems pretty good.

Godaddy is simply just for the domain, he uses SoftLayer which I guess seems pretty good.
Oh, my bad.

Yeah I've noticed the slower forums too.

I collected some times the pages took to refresh or to go to another page and it ranges from 7 seconds to 14 second wait.
And that's not my internet, all my other pages (Facebook, Twitter, etc) loads just fine.

I've noticed it, every other pages work fine, my internet's fast.
The forums seem to be going into a slowdown and speedup for me, it would slowdown for a bit, then sometimes speed up a little.

What are you talking about?

...we switched servers.
why would you switch to a worse server... that assumption doesn't even make sense

why would you switch to a worse server...
Maybe Badspot didn't know it'd be worse?

Or maybe we just have more forum-goers than before? Maybe it's getting ddos'd?

Yeah, I wish badspot would have removed the search bar for a little longer so we could post "search before you post" on all the duplicate topics for the trolls and the lols.
Only these guys would do such a thing.

Did Badspot actually confirm that it was the search feature that was causing this? I remember that people didn't notice any major speedups when he removed it.
If I'm wrong here, which I probably am, could it be that Okiver (or whoever is DDoS'ing the forums) is spamming search requests, or have Baddy already checked that?

I am getting random slow downs in some period of times.

Did Badspot actually confirm that it was the search feature that was causing this? I remember that people didn't notice any major speedups when he removed it.
Badspot made a topic about the search and it's goner, but I am not sure where the topic is.