
What is your main sona?

House Cat
71 (7.7%)
Big Cat
25 (2.7%)
General Dog
24 (2.6%)
68 (7.3%)
92 (9.9%)
5 (0.5%)
4 (0.4%)
8 (0.9%)
55 (5.9%)
5 (0.5%)
6 (0.6%)
General Bird
17 (1.8%)
11 (1.2%)
5 (0.5%)
10 (1.1%)
7 (0.8%)
3 (0.3%)
16 (1.7%)
7 (0.8%)
8 (0.9%)
8 (0.9%)
Goo Creature
22 (2.4%)
Rubber Creature
3 (0.3%)
Latex Creature
31 (3.3%)
14 (1.5%)
3 (0.3%)
10 (1.1%)
7 (0.8%)
12 (1.3%)
18 (1.9%)
352 (38%)

Total Members Voted: 923

Author Topic: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here  (Read 4717876 times)

Furry Megathread

What is a furry?
The furry fandom is a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes. Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at conventions.

Actually in case to prevent a stuffstorm or something else from happening again, put this at the first post

Key things to point out
- "Interested": Delve yourself in it.
- Nothing is said about loveual special interestes or fantasies
- Being bipedal isn't an issue, you just need a human trait applied, speaking, having human-level intelligence, even expressions count (a grey wolf's smile usually is a sign of aggression, applying a smile to a wolf to show happiness instead would be considered anthro-izing)
And don't feel bad about joining the fandom. With any fandom there's a "dark side" that everyone hates. Just avoid it and distance yourself from said far side and you should be alright.
Adversely if you feel like one but don't feel like declaring yourself one just yet that's alright. We can wait No one's stopping you.
On the subject of bestiality research: I actually don't have a problem with anyone looking at it. I don't have a problem with people committing mass shootings in GTA IV or watching a movie about a guy taking over the world for his evil deeds. Just don't do it IRL.

Creatures of The Forums

VincentTheGuy - Gay - Gryphon
Toothed_Deer - Gay - German Shepherd
Jubel - Gay - Wolf
Frontrox - Bi - Fox | Steam -Frontrox | Skype - Frontrox
JohnFreeman - Bi - Husky
Pacha - Biloveual - Zangoose
ShadowsfeaR - Biloveual - Equine
Ceist - Heteroloveual (straight) - Dragon
Sentry - Biloveual - Husky
Night Fox - Gay - German Shepherd
Pecon - Biloveual/Transgender - Snow Leopard
Cybersix - Straight - Billbro (Bill Dauterive as a Slowbro)
Brickman - Straight - Dragon
Camera - Straight - Dragon/Drake
Tayasaurus/TeslaCoil - Straight - Shark
Lesrock - Gay - Fox
tkepahama/Lt. Jamergaman - Bi - Husky
Makanix - Aloveual - Lynx
WALK2222 - Gay - Husky
Powerdag - Gay - Sun Dragon
Arekan - Biloveual - Fox
Ipquarx - Biloveual - Husky
AQuietBadger - Bi - Fox
LeetZero - Bi - Cat
Stunty - Straight - Whale - Skype - frankfortbakers
Evar678 - Gay - Tiger
Mr. Jelly - Bi - Husky
Frankie - Gay - Shibe
Nienhaus - Bi - Fox
Kochieboy - Straight - Wolf/Equine
GhostStar - Straight - Wolf/fox
Peavy - Gay - Fox
Nal - secret memes - Fox | Skype - NalNalas | Steam - Nal
BluetoothBoy - Straight - Dragon | Steam - BluetoothBoy
Muslim - Biloveual - Fox
(King of losers) DJKing/Kinglin ~ Gay ~ Gremlin | Steam - Kinglin² | Skype - djkingfox
Chromomania - HELL ON LEGS - Dragon
IkeTheGeneric - Gay - Bear

le op made by nal and his tiny peen
« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 03:05:16 PM by VincentTheGuy »

Yolo Swag Thread.

Ill be posting things soon.

doesn't have enough richards

Finally we get a thread.

If this doesn't end with an argument and a lock/delete, I might actually post here.

I'm not so sure about this ;-;

Weaboos get a thread, bronies get a thread, furries deserve their own thread too

Hopefully this does not get off to a similar start as the MLP topics did :cookieMonster:

If this doesn't end with an argument and a lock/delete, I might actually post here.
We'll try to keep this fine and running. Everyone just keep it calm and carry on. Sooner or later this will function similarly to the pony thread, in the way that it survives.

I'm not so sure about this ;-;
It'll be fine.

wtf why would u make a serious loving thread about furries

wtf why would u make a serious loving thread about furries
Weaboos get a thread, bronies get a thread, furries deserve their own thread too

Hopefully this does not get off to a similar start as the MLP topics did :cookieMonster:

wtf why would u make a serious loving thread about furries
If you don't like the thread, don't post in it.

Except the bronies were met with hostility and almost everyone watches anime or has watched an anime.