
What is your main sona?

House Cat
71 (7.7%)
Big Cat
25 (2.7%)
General Dog
24 (2.6%)
68 (7.3%)
92 (9.9%)
5 (0.5%)
4 (0.4%)
8 (0.9%)
55 (5.9%)
5 (0.5%)
6 (0.6%)
General Bird
17 (1.8%)
11 (1.2%)
5 (0.5%)
10 (1.1%)
7 (0.8%)
3 (0.3%)
16 (1.7%)
7 (0.8%)
8 (0.9%)
8 (0.9%)
Goo Creature
22 (2.4%)
Rubber Creature
3 (0.3%)
Latex Creature
31 (3.3%)
14 (1.5%)
3 (0.3%)
10 (1.1%)
7 (0.8%)
12 (1.3%)
18 (1.9%)
352 (38%)

Total Members Voted: 923

Author Topic: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here  (Read 4539730 times)

natural selection
The process in nature by which, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, only the organisms best adapted to their environment tend to survive and transmit their genetic characteristics in increasing numbers to succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated.
A rabbit being too stupid to run away from a human standing not even twenty feet away from it, and still not running after an arrow nearly hits it, and thus dying, while the smart rabbits run away as soon as they see me, thus surviving, is natural selection.

shooting a rabbit just to shoot it
Nowhere in any of my posts did I say I shot it just for the sake of shooting it.
Both cases are one animal killing another animal for food; humans need food just like foxes.
So yeah, it is pretty similar, actually.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 12:59:04 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

so let me get this straight
you shot the rabbit because you needed food for some other reason which you didnt specify in your post
then yes, it is natural selection
i thought you shot the rabbit for fun

so let me get this straight
you shot the rabbit because you needed food for some other reason which you didnt specify in your post
then yes, it is natural selection
i thought you shot the rabbit for fun
Other animals kill for fun too

you shot the rabbit because you needed food
I shot it, cleaned it, and made rabbit stew

which you didnt specify in your post
If I explained every single little detail and every single reason why I did them, my posts would be rather long.
I shouldn't need to do this.

then yes, it is natural selection
The reason something was killed doesn't change whether natural selection happened. The only thing that matters is whether or not it died (and whether or not it passed on its genes)

i thought you shot the rabbit for fun
You shouldn't assume things
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 01:04:43 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

ok then we can stop arguing an its hard not to assume things when you say you "shot some rabbits" before

ok then we can stop arguing an its hard not to assume things when you say you "shot some rabbits" before
you're right that it isn't hard. in fact, it's really easy to assume that they were being shot for food. which is what you should automatically assume anyway

you're right that it isn't hard. in fact, it's really easy to assume that they were being shot for food. which is what you should automatically assume anyway
not a lot of people that i know like to shoot their own rabbits and make rabbit stew

IMO it doesn't matter for what purpose the hunting was done, as long as it was done within regulations; It's well regulated to control population and stuff like that.
Like one of my teachers hunted a few foxes just for their skins; I couldn't do it myself, but even though foxes are my favorite animal I didn't think any less of him.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 01:17:39 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

not a lot of people that i know like to shoot their own rabbits and make rabbit stew
he also never said that they were his rabbits

I'd kill a fox, its not like I'm doing something bad.

Why is the Furry thread about killing furry animals

he also never said that they were his rabbits
sorry i wasnt thinking about that post i meant to put "their own rabbit stew"

*kicks in the door
homo police
stop bein homos
*rewinds back out the door

Why is the Furry thread about killing furry animals

Distraction time.

Just pictures I like, some for different reasons than others.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 01:31:09 AM by Kingdaro »