Author Topic: My first Post!  (Read 1737 times)

Welcome to your doom.

I'm not accepted very much here from what I hear.
Don't end up like me, the stupid guy.

Welcome to Blockland and the Blockland Forums.

Don't let yourself be drama'd, that can ruin your rep pretty fast.
Also, try to spell things correctly, some people on here are pro grammar national socialists.

And have fun.

Welcome to the blockland forums. Don't go to Tezuni's Jail RP, he'll ban you for almost anything. Don't go into drama, don't randomly flame,  don't admit to trolling in any kind of way.

Welcome to the Blockland Forums and congratulations for buying a Blockland activation key.

My first suggestion is that you immediately go read all the rules carefully in each forum so you don't end up in trouble.

Remember to be a good person because the community will not forget or forgive any bad things a member does - don't end up like me.
Try to avoid Drama as the others have suggested. If you're not careful, you can get in to some trouble by using the Drama forum. Try to visit it the least possible.

Keep in mind that the community is not perfect and some rude people may try to make fun of you or something similar - you are learning and you are new to the game, so do not pay attention to them and ignore them as they can drag you into a fight.

Enjoy your stay. Blockland is a game that you will always come back to, no matter how hard you try, because it's simply never-ending!