Author Topic: TheBlackParrot and Munkurious' Endless Mining  (Read 3013 times)

Mm, I like admin, but he warned me not to find the admin granting money command, but i'll be on on random occasions.

I also plan working up to SA too.

Level 20 TNT lagging everyone in the server for 5 seconds every time it's used is really annoying. It makes the server unplayable when people like Knife and Kick Asser constantly throw level 20 TNT and lag everyone.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 01:59:38 PM by Duber »

We'll see about adding a cooldown timer for it.
Maybe only throwing 1 every 2 minutes.

I'm not sure why everyone is complaining about not being able to get $300 dollars to buy a light. I just dug straight down and the stuff I mined eventually got me $300. It's not that hard. If you think this is going to be like Red_Guy's unlimited mining, you'd be wrong.

This server is so much better than Red_Guy's server.

#1: It isn't as easy. I'm not sure why everyone wants to get rich in like 5 minutes. How is that fun? I'd like to work towards getting rich and getting a high pick level. At Red_Guy's server, you can get super high pick levels too easily. In this mining server, I find myself being challenged to keep up with the depth I am at. The first layer of dirt called "dirt' takes 25 hits with a level 1 pick. As soon as I got to level 25 I hit "dense dirt" which took about 35 hits with a level 1 pick. That meant I needed to get 10 more pick levels to be able to mine it with one hit. This happened multiple times and I really enjoyed having to work on my pick level before going deeper. In Red_Guy's server, I could find a lotto block and get 21x lotto buff. What's the fun in getting 100 pick levels in like 10 minutes? Lights are also pretty much needed in this server. Without them, almost everything is pitch black, which makes sense. After you buy a $300 light, you are good for the rest of your time on the server. I am now finding ores that give me $300 by themselves. $300 is NOTHING and everyone is complaining about how hard it is to get that much. If you can't suck it up and save up just a mere $300, good luck buying unlimited jets because those are $5000.

#2: It's simpler. Commands are shorter, actions are easier such as setting a checkpoint. Things are more realistic as well. You can get rid of lava with a water spray which you can buy. TNT is also more realistic as you can actually be killed by it. You have to put a good amount of distance between you and the bomb and you actually THROW the TNT (it's an item). It's also actually DARK in the mine! Who would have thought that lights would be needed in a mine! Wow!

#3: No guns, nor a need for them. There aren't idiots running around killing people trying to mine or any worries about people stealing your ores. There is ore protection (once you hit the ore once, nobody else can mine it).

These are just a few things and I am getting tired of typing.

If you guys have any suggestions for me to put into the GUI let me know.
Not quite done yet but we're slowly getting there.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 10:02:33 PM by TheBlackParrot »

Ores now show up in groups! However, they are less rare.

added some TNT timer proections

Features completed:
- Encrypted client-side save backup
What purpose does this serve, exactly?

What purpose does this serve, exactly?
If they modify it, then they'll more than likely screw up their save if they restore it.

added some TNT timer proections

it'd be a better idea to fix TNT freezing regardless

Is there anything of value above the map as well as below?

Is there anything of value above the map as well as below?

we're going to try adding better things above ~52k later on