Author Topic: YOU CRINGE YOU LOSE  (Read 2739682 times)

What was it exactly that he was posting?
This image,
Made a link for anybody that's tired of seeing it.

This image,
Made a link for anybody that's tired of seeing it.
i knew it was coming and i still clicked it

i knew it was coming and i still clicked it
you forgeter i saw that ninja

the all new twincest gif

the all new twincest gif
except the paper cut gif predates the twincest one by about two years

Good thing people aren't rehosting the image so people with blockers have to see it... ah... aha.... oh god i think i just gave them ideas...

Good thing people aren't rehosting the image so people with blockers have to see it... ah... aha.... oh god i think i just gave them ideas...
They have been doing that, you know.

the all new twincest gif

I got someone banned for that

I was too lazy to report the rest