Author Topic: YOU CRINGE YOU LOSE  (Read 2771408 times)

i don't think those comics are supposed to be in favor of... whatever that was

what the

on the topic of this can someone explain transgender to me

is it when someone is born normal but thinks they should be the opposite love or is it when they have physical traces of both love in them (that might be transloveual actually?)?

X love wants to be Y gender.
Agender is when X or Y love want to be neither gender
Genderfluid is just X or Y not letting social norms drag them down
Nonbinary genders are special snowflakes when X or Y genders are desperate for attention but can't handle the pain of a knife on their wrists.

what the

on the topic of this can someone explain transgender to me

is it when someone is born normal but thinks they should be the opposite love or is it when they have physical traces of both love in them (that might be transloveual actually?)?
transloveual is when you want to change your gender/have changed your gender.

what the

on the topic of this can someone explain transgender to me

is it when someone is born normal but thinks they should be the opposite love or is it when they have physical traces of both love in them (that might be transloveual actually?)?

It's when a boy wants to be a girl (or vice versa) so they act like and "identify as" the opposite love even though they aren't. Physical traces of both lovees is known as a hermaphrodite.

But what if I want to be a female but want to identify as a male?

transloveual is when you want to change your gender/have changed your gender.
so whats transgender then

theres a girl at my school who was born physically female (afaik) but recently got an operation to make them look physically male, and they claim they are transgender, is that right?

It's when a boy wants to be a girl (or vice versa) so they act like and "identify as" the opposite love even though they aren't.
huh ok
so like thats the kind of people that have male anatomy but use the female locker room because they feel female?

But what if I want to be a female but want to identify as a male?
molten pls

But what if I want to be a female but want to identify as a male?
It's when a boy wants to be a girl (or vice versa)

no that is transgender
That's genderqueer/fluid or special snowflaking.

That's genderqueer/fluid or special snowflaking.
No, that is when they identify as both and cause arguments over labeling

what the forget happened to male + female? why do we need like 37 genders to describe someone?