
Does anyone even use the Avatar Saver?

Yes, I use the Avatar Saver.
No, I don't use the Avatar Saver.
What's the Avatar Saver?

Author Topic: Does anyone even use the Avatar Saver?  (Read 1117 times)

I want to know if anyone would even care or notice if I never actually released the next update.

So, does anyone actually use the Avatar Saver or am I pretty much the only one?

stuff, who doesn't?

People who don't have a load of avatars that they need.

Only need one avatar. :l

Since when was there one?

Since when was there one?
*Looks at ID*

Hmmmm.. idk if one was made but, I think it was made a while ago idk.

EDIT: Did I just say I don't know if one was made?

What is the Avatar Saver?

EDIT: Did I just say I don't know if one was made?

Yes. I believe you did.

cant say i dont know it because i recall a thread on it
i just forgot but i also recall me wanting it
what was it again

I've never heard of this. Anyone have a link?

where can i download this