Author Topic: All my cats were just eaten by a neighbor's dog...  (Read 9220 times)

Ok, so we were at our cousin's house, and our mom went home a little early and said that we could go home with our aunt, (she is our neighbor) when my mom came home, there was our other neighbor's dog eating our cats, all twelve of them, 2 Russian blues, 2 black ones, 1 tuxedo with white front paws, 4 kittens, 2 orange w/stripes and 2 gray w/ stripes...

My mom was in high heels so she got bitten...

EDIT: the mother cat was orange black and gray. black stripes

MORE EDITT: When I came home, Not all my cats died, that was my mother who sid they all died, or my sister (way to go sis!).

I had 2 black ones, they survived, 2 russian blues, they survived, the tuxedo I don't know, I didn't find her yet.

but the Mother and 4 kittens were slaughtered, when I came one kitten was just lying there face down, the mother right next to it on her side, with her tongue out, the other three kittens were still in the shed, they were bitten up pretty badly, and there were actually seven dogs doing this (more of my sister's math skills), when we burried them, we got the mother cat on her side, and put her kittens on top like they are sleeping on her, the reason she died was because she was protecting her kittens, she didn't die in vain, she was a good cat, always liked to step were you did, before you did, resulting in getting stepped on.

The kittens, there seemed to be 2 twins in the litter, 2 orange with darker orange stripes and 2 gray with black stripes. The kittens were always playing with each other or with their mother, they were starting to eat some of the hard food the day before they died.

Truth is, I was only sad for a little, I had a dog before, this is the type of thing they do when they want to show off to that one female next door.

I got used to having my cats die so you eventually expect it to happen, especially when your neighbor has seven dogs...

 The owner is going to get us a new female kitten, we can start giving away free kittens in about a year, so its all fine now really...

Oh and my mom is fine, she had tetnas however you speel it shots not to long ago...
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 07:22:10 PM by snk13 »

jesus loving christ!

yo kill their dog


What the forget...

Some mans best friend they are...

So your cats are dead, or what, I'm sorry for your loss(es)


My mom was in high heels so she got bitten...
your mom should have loving impaled that dog oh my god
I'd do the same
jesus christ on earth what the hell

Kill the dog.
Except I'm being serious.

Or you can take a more legal approach and call the dog pound. If you wait for the dog to bite you than you can legally (well at least here) break its neck

I would kill that dog.
13 for 1.

take a more legal approach and call the dog pound. If you wait for the dog to bite you than you can legally (well at least here) break its neck

I believe after all that you can put the dog down.

put that forgeter down.
do it for the kittens.

give it a dog treat coated in rat poison

Force the dog to eat its own stomach.

an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind

an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind
an eye for twelve eyes, on the other hand, is perfectly fair