Author Topic: All my cats were just eaten by a neighbor's dog...  (Read 8433 times)

People shouldn't be joking when they say 'kill the dog.'

Literally. The dog has to be put down now.

You seem like a lovely person

Your cell is that way -->
Either way the dog deserves death-- it killed a dozen of his pets and attacked his mom, all on his property

If I came home to see a dead pile of my cats and my neighbor's dog coming at me I would kill the thing on the spot

that is just how nature works
it is op's dumbass fault for apparently leaving twelve kittens open to the outside, knowing his neighbours have a dog
it is not the dog's fault in any way
also, you are stupid

that is just how nature works
it is op's dumbass fault for apparently leaving twelve kittens open to the outside, knowing his neighbours have a dog
it is not the dog's fault in any way
also, you are stupid
Where did it say that the OP left the kittens open to the outside?

i didn't know dogs were experts at breaking into homes, my bad

that is just how nature works
it is op's dumbass fault for apparently leaving twelve kittens open to the outside, knowing his neighbours have a dog
it is not the dog's fault in any way
also, you are stupid

By this logic, the dog's dumbass owner is at fault for letting the dog out and eating the cats.

The dog can be legally put down at this point. That's not how our pets are supposed to behave in our society to this date, get with the time. This isn't the cave ages anymore so stop saying "that's how nature works" to things that it doesn't apply to.

i didn't know dogs were experts at breaking into homes, my bad
its okay try not to be so ignorant next time

By this logic, the dog's dumbass owner is at fault for letting the dog out and eating the cats.

The dog can be legally put down at this point. That's not how our pets are supposed to behave in our society to this date, get with the time. This isn't the cave ages anymore so stop saying "that's how nature works" to things that it doesn't apply to.
it is not unusual for dogs to be outside in any way
a neighbour should not have to limit his dog's freedom because of the dumb kid next door
neither the dog nor the neighbour are at fault

it is op's dumbass fault for apparently leaving twelve kittens open to the outside, knowing his neighbours have a dog
it is not the dog's fault in any way
This logic:
Person 1 shoots Person 2 in the street.
Person 3: Not Person 2's fault in any way, as Person 1 wasn't wearing a bullet proof vest.

dogs are not people
they are animals
they are not intelligent enough to recognize nor care about your moral concepts

dogs are not people
they are animals
they are not intelligent enough to recognize nor care about your moral concepts concepts
that doesn't render the dog innocent

it is not unusual for dogs to be outside in any way
a neighbour should not have to limit his dog's freedom because of the dumb kid next door
neither the dog nor the neighbour are at fault

It's unusual to let a dog maul down someone's pets.
Also how is the neighbor allowed to have his dog outside, but OP not to have his cats outside? What is this a dictatorship? Dogs over cats?
Your logic makes 0 sense, is stupid and contradicting.

How about I lock you in a 4x4 cage with a bear and let it kill you? Obviously I won't get in trouble because "that's how nature works", bears will kill a human for it's own survival. Next thing you know I'm allowed to throw your family in a pit of alligators and let them die, but it's fine! "That's how nature works!"

No. It doesn't work like that. We have created a society and basic rules for a reason. The neighbor is completely at fault here. Stop being such a redneck and get your savage logic out of here. If you can't understand the basic principals of how to behave in the society of today, I can't help you.

that doesn't render the dog innocent
it was following its instincts
nobody really complains when a dog kills a random bird, squirrel, or other animal
it just so happened that in this case the small animals in question were some idiot's kittens