Author Topic: Zane Foxxxxie has got against me a server  (Read 3745 times)

Something got wrong with me, Zane Foxxxxie is spam my server, ban, and power abuse. Blockland has crime to zane foxxxxie, can someone help me?!?!?
I have complain to zane, and nothing to do.. please, help me. I NEED ALL EVERYBODY, TRUST ME. and he hacking....... I need all...... PLEASEEEE!
Hacking left but he hacking without joining.
Forgive me, and you are the best way to do.....
and all of you.

Forgive me...


Sounds like OP made the wrong guy a super and forgot about it.
OP is stupid either way.

Common troll. Move along.

I can't stop laughing
send help

The future of the English language people. Be very afraid

um, I forgive you?...

wat does this dude wants man

I can't stop laughing
send help
this is life alert how may i assist you today

this is life alert how may i assist you today
help I cant stop
my chest is sore
i think i am dying

No one can be this handicapped naturally. I'm coming to the conclusion that this guy is an alt for trolling.

No one can be this handicapped naturally. I'm coming to the conclusion that this guy is an alt for trolling.
Not really. He's very young, plays ROBLOX, and just found out about Blockland recently. I even stumbled upon his YouTube channel yesterday.