Author Topic: 1000 ways to get kicked out of IKEA  (Read 13649 times)

We haven't had one of these in a while, so here we go

1. Use a display toilet
2. love on one of the beds
3. Have a store-wide airsoft war
4. Have a shopping cart race
5. Try to start a store-wide harlem shake using the intercom

6. Take all the little Ikea pencils

7. Floor ALL THE hockey.

8. Release a truckful of homing pigeons into the building.

9. Make lots of destruction by throwing everything around and kicking the lamps.

10. Show this topic to a store employee.

11. Try to assemble everything into a big thing

12. rooster-slap an Ikea employee.

13. Request a prebuilt

14. Steal all the meat balls.

15. Use the restroom.

Without actually being inside the restroom.

14. Steal all the meat balls.
16. Throw your stolen meatballs at random people in the store while screaming "BORK BORK!"

17. Sacrifice a goat to Satan.

18. Wear a fursuit and start singing the hey Arnold theme song

19. wet dreams on a bed

20. Sacrifice Satan to a goat.