throw a delay in there somewhereprobably for each one that checks "Wep"
1. Why do you have it set the variable to 3, then random 1? 2. You know, random 1 will always end up in 1.
That fixed it. The only problem is it's giving the same item 5 times. I don't really want it to do that. How do I stop it from doing that?
Why don't you have a delay in it? Thats probably your issue.
idk about how random worksbut keep all of those delays at 50 lol no need to go 100, 150 etc.maybe remove the second statement and see how that works.adjust the variable checks accordingly.
the sequence of events that has 2 all the way on the leftotherwise the first onplayertouch you use
strange, never used random before so i wouldn't knowwell instead add a delay to statement 3make it in between 0 and 50