
Which category of people/place should Kha'zix fight?

Gladiators - Colosseum
4 (7.7%)
FBI - Area 51
15 (28.8%)
Lumberjacks - Forest
0 (0%)
Marines - Military Base
6 (11.5%)
Hunters - Mountain
13 (25%)
Scifi Military - Winter Forest
11 (21.2%)
Monster Hunters - Castle
3 (5.8%)

Total Members Voted: 52

Author Topic: Kha'zix - Need new coder  (Read 17581 times)

His new evolution abilities as of now will include
Claws - Increased damage and climbing ability
Void Spikes - Evolves to shoot three projectiles instead of one
Cloak - Cloak 3 times instead of 2
Wings - Jump a lot higher
Adrenaline - Kha'zix charges forward at an incredible speed

As I said the dates might change. They are changing. I need to take an extra day to implement a new system. Don't worry it shouldn't take to long. Beta days will still run the same. Release date has changed.
Closed Beta - June 20th - June 23nd
Open Beta - June 24rd - 26th
Release - June 27th

Adrenaline - Kha'zix charges forward at an incredible speed
I've got an Adrenaline rush and I think I'm gonna-!

I've got an Adrenaline rush and I think I'm gonna-!
more like, EEEAAAAAGHH!!!

I changed the Adrenaline Evolution name to Stampede Evolution.
Here's a rough screenshot of his evolution model and animation.

Will there be more League of Legends champions in the making?
Cause I must day this, is loving epic.

If you made Nautilus, Aatrox or Xerath I'd be very happy

Will there be more League of Legends champions in the making?
Cause I must day this, is loving epic.

If you made Nautilus, Aatrox or Xerath I'd be very happy
Aatrox would be awesome.
Actually, any league of legends char would be awesome

Aatrox would be awesome.
Actually, any league of legends char would be awesome

Indeed it would.
They should make some tanks, supports, carries and so on. Like 3-4 champs for each class, alot of work maybe, but so extreamly awsome.

Indeed it would.
They should make some tanks, supports, carries and so on. Like 3-4 champs for each class, alot of work maybe, but so extreamly awsome.
No, just Kha'zix. If we make this project any bigger, it will never get finished in a reasonable time.
Ex. Dragon pack, Bug mods.

EDIT: The next evolution we're thinking of is a Sensory Evolution. It tells you if victims are near you, making him easier to find players on large maps. We're using Army Unit's Canyon map(edited) for Kha'zix beta testing to make Kha'zix as mobile and lethal as possible - without making him unkillable.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 12:11:52 PM by Pillow Pants »

No, just Kha'zix. If we make this project any bigger, it will never get finished in a reasonable time.
Ex. Dragon pack, Bug mods.

Well, I hope that one day this will grow!

I have already told Pillow Pants that if it is any other champions I would be dropping out.

I have already told Pillow Pants that if it is any other champions I would be dropping out.
Get on steam.

You have to do the minions first, they are almost key to gameplay

You have to do the minions first, they are almost key to gameplay
Khazix is just a playertype we're working on. We're not making MOBAs.

Welcome to the team, Stratofortress!
Stratofortress has taken on the job of scripting Kha'zixs sensory abilities and whatever else he'd like.

-Script Progress Report-

Implement easy evolution system - 100%
Port evolutions to new system - 100%
Add new evolutions - 0%
Improve old evolutions - 50%
Fixing old bugs - 90% Most were fixed due to the system change, but more might show up
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 07:22:23 PM by Scriode »