Author Topic: COD:Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4  (Read 4679 times)

okay I guess you love over $2000 of DLC
it's your choice if you want to buy it
they aren't forcing you to buy DLC

COD:Ghosts = Cod swim away from you (c wut i did thar?)

Battlefield 4 = Topple entire skyscrapers.

BF4 wins.

Also I'm glad they're not doing some unrealistic America VS Russia bullstuff in either game. It looks like the US is fighting the "CN" in BF4.

why would you prefer lone-wolfing
teamwork is great
Teamwork is nice but i'd rather forget stuff up running around with an AR.

I kinda like how bf4 looks exactly like bf3 yet no one's calling it. If EA goes through with their "2 studios and a game every year" its probably gonna end up like CoD.

one of the things that i love abou bf is destructible environment
i love just getting a ton of c4 and blowing up houses and watching them collapse

It looks like the US is fighting the "CN" in BF4.
it's US against China
like it doesn't just look like it
it's definite
Teamwork is nice but i'd rather forget stuff up running around with an AR.
you can do that without ignoring your teammates...

Battlefield 4 = Topple entire skyscrapers.

BF4 wins.

Sure BF4 will be better than call of duty ghosts, but the toppling entire skyscrapers will be exactly like in bf3, it'll happen every game at a predetermined time, trust me, you won't be able to manually do it.

Sure BF4 will be better than call of duty ghosts, but the toppling entire skyscrapers will be exactly like in bf3, it'll happen every game at a predetermined time, trust me, you won't be able to manually do it.
if you could manually do it everyone would just do it immediately all the time
so it's not like it'd be any more fun or anything

new cod every year

2013 - totally unexpected

call of duty ghosts has a dog... but battlefield 4 has loving beautiful reflections and DESTRUCTIBLE SKYSCRAPERS

if you could manually do it everyone would just do it immediately all the time
so it's not like it'd be any more fun or anything
Its not like it'd take a couple rocket or C4, it'd take some time, and less of a "ooh cool building collapsing" and more of a strategic demolition. For example, since rockets would be fired quite a bit, the building's health would be slowly taken down, and eventually the building would collapse, this combined a group of enemies in side the building could cause a good amount of fun.

I'm aware that this isn't the best idea, but I was mostly responding to how GBH said that you could topple skyscrapers, when in fact, they topple themselves.

but battlefield 4 has loving beautiful reflections
bf3 don't have reflections, just textures placed onto the scopes, I don't know about bf4 though

Both are unappealing to me :/

both are rehashed stuffty games with "EXCLUSIVE NEW CONTENT" every year

needless to say, im going to buy both