Author Topic: Blockland, What are you doing?!  (Read 2298 times)

Me and my friends went to the farlands and this crazy thing happened to my screen.

Sentry, can you share some of those shrooms?

Sentry, can you share some of those shrooms?
2late I already ate them all.

You've gotten so far that the engine is hardly able to render anything, causing the vignette to be stuff and the rendering system stalled.
From what I predict.

you have eaten a fungulus faroutus

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 05:59:53 PM by Revoloarx »

Alternatively, someone deleted your player.

you deleted the sky and changed your fov

the blurry/smudged screen thing reminds me of when i would take control of peoples players using the console and confuse everyone, because that also happens when youre being controlled

Isn't that sky.delete();?

p sure there was another thread about this xD

Sentry when we went on that one server that admin deleted my player, this ended up happening. you probibly remember that but maybe that happened to you? Nevermind stuff didnt read he went to the farlands
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 11:27:49 PM by NalNalas »