I would like to take staff feedback into my inbox instead, where I can fix the problems myself.
I will expressively ask Jasa to becareful in the future.I can't believe Jasa let this server go to stuff. Don't join this server anymore, it's just like the rest of the corrupt CityRPs.
You were just doing fine, until you and Jasa had an issue in the server. And therefore insulting an admin/moderator (Which you started to call him out) is not a good start in accordance to your chatlogs. Which gave Jasa the reason to mute you for 6 ticks to calm you down.
Harsh. I don't know why the rules aren't posted on here but that's a hell of a problem. I felt that actions were going to repeat themselves, once Jasa is in control everything goes to stuff if I'm correct.
I have the rules posted in the server (They're located in the PD and near the City Hall). And I've left the rules on the Links section of the OP if you didn't noticed.
This is most definitely not the first time but since he's the only one with a custom and built from the ground CityRPG he does what he wants- he practically takes hosts hostage.
To clear this up, he's not holding me hostage at all. Heres how the appealing system works, whenever Jasa makes a ban from himself, I can review the appeal or Swat725 can, the process is a neutral and a fair manner. Whenever I make a ban from the server, it is either Jasa or Swat725 can appeal that person. And don't get me wrong, Jasa has dealt with a few appeals that were my own personal bans.
Also the fact that Boltster was banned confuses me: forum related problems shouldn't be related to the server, his actions were not too bad to begin with. It's good to take a little criticism anyway, even if their your enemies.
I agree with you, and with that said if Boltster wishes for an unban, he can just give me the word. (Following the appeals protocol)
And I'll make this clear, I always like hearing your feedback and suggestions and so, But if you're having an issue with a moderator/admin or myself personally, please consider writing up a PM and send it into my inbox on the Blockland Forums, I would love to get this situation under control. Please don't take the problem into your own hands when you're on the server, the moderator has been given instructions to end any issues where your actions are inappropriate, but I rather you send a PM to myself personally so I can correct that moderator so where stuff doesn't hit the celling. As my role as the Server Manager, I manage the moderators and the server.